URGENT - Expression Ecrite en Anglais

Publié le 25 sept. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 sept. 2014 dans 9A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour a vous !

J'ai un commentaire à faire en Section Européenne Anglais. Le corpus documentaire ainsi que le sujet est ci-joint.




J'aimerai que vous m'aidiez à corriger les fautes que j'ai faite, ainsi que me donner des idées à rajouter. J'ai eu du mal à inclure les liens avec l'Europe (continent), j'avais déjà travaillé en cours sur l'UE et le Royaume Uni, donc là ça va. Je pense également ne pas avoir assez inclue le document 1.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voilà ce que j'ai fais :



The UK, The Europe and the Européan Union have an ambiguous relationship.

It's not easy to delineate Europe. It's a continent bounded by Arctic Ocean to the North, by Atlantic Ocean to the South and Ural Mountains to the East.

All european coutries don't join European Economic Community.

The United Kingdom is composed by. It's an european archipelago, not part of the mainland and is link to Europe by the cross-Channel Euroregion in 1991 as it's show in the second document.



The United Kingdom is in Europe, according to Margaret Thatcher, has a strong historical link with EEC by the Iron Curtain and they share values, political thinks, culture, and freedom whereas according to Charles De Gaulle, Europe has a link with United-States by the Commonwealth.

In 1957, European Economic Community is created. The United Kingdom applyed to join it twice, in 1961 and in 1967, after created their own European Free Trade Association. The First, De Gaulle vetoes. Nevertheless, UK finally join in 1973. However, UK refuse to join the European Monetary System in 1979 but they join the European Rate Mechanism in 1987 and they are forced out in 1992. In the same years, EEC became European Union by Maastricht Treaty. In 1995, Schengen Pact was created and Ireland and UK maintain their optout. Besides, in 2002, they refused to enter in the Eurozone and, 9 years later, the European Union's treaty. UK receive many help by EU, as in Scotland, in Wales, one of poorest regions in Europe. This help permitte to improve the social and economic situation here.



To conclude, links between the UK, Europe and the European Union are very ambiguous. Indeed, in a geographical point of view, UK is an european archipelago.

People are divided by those who think UK is rather linked with US, as De Gaulle and those who think UK is more European by values, as Margaret Thatcher.

The price minister David Cameron vetoes against EU.

Finally, we can suppose UK doesn't interest by EU's project because they refuse all of them.

Recently, Scotland do a referendum to quit EU.



Il me manque certainement des choses à dire, il doit y avoir beaucoup de fautes. Merci d'avoir lu et de m'aider !

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 sept. 2014

ça a  l'air pas trop mal

Posté le 26 sept. 2014

Ca ne m'avance pas vraiment, et là ca commence a être vraiment très très très urgent :'(

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