verification des phrases

Publié le 19 mai 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 26 mai 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bnonjour , j'ai fait des phrases et j'aimerais savoir si elle sont juste au sens et au niveau gramatical merci d'avance you know , the united kingdom is a victim of a terrible oil slick
2.a big oil tanker sank , and it spills a lot of oil in the sea ,moreover the oil is very toxic for the biodiversity as you said , the beach are covered by oil , but the animals seeweeds too
4. yes, beacuse the coast of united kingdom is a haven for the seabirds. for example ; gulls have wings glued by oil
5.beaches will aren't clean before three years and biodiversity will be difficult to regenerate
et enfin
6. we are looking for people to helpus to clean the beach and saved the animals
je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir you know , the united kingdom is a victim of a terrible oil slick
2.a big oil tanker sank , and it spills a lot of oil in the sea ,moreover the oil is very toxic for the biodiversity as you said , the beach are covered by oil , but the animals seeweeds too
4. yes, beacuse the coast of united kingdom is a haven for the seabirds. for example ; gulls have wings glued by oil
5.beaches will aren't clean before three years and biodiversity will be difficult to regenerate
et enfin
6. we are looking for people to helpus to clean the beach and saved the animals

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 19 mai 2011
as you know , the united kingdom is a victim of a terrible oil slick
2.a big oil tanker sank , and it spills a lot of oil in the sea ,moreover the oil is very toxic for biodiversity as you said , the beach has been covered by oil , animals and seaweeds too
4. yes, because the coast of united kingdom is a haven for seabirds. for example ; gulls have wings glued by oil
5.It will take three years to clean the beaches and biodiversity will be difficult to regenerate
6. we are looking for people to help us to clean the beach and saved the animals

Posté le 22 mai 2011 you know , the united kingdom is a victim of a terrible oil slick
2.a big oil tanker sank , and it spillED a lot of oil in the sea ,moreover the oil is very toxic for the biodiversity as you said , the beach IS covered by oil , but the animals and THE SEAweeds too
4. yes, because THE coast of the united kingdom is a haven for the seabirds. for example, gulls have wings glued by oil
5.beaches WON'T BE CLEANED before three years and biodiversity will be difficult to regenerate
et enfin
6. we are looking for people to help us clean the beach and SAVE the animals

j'ai ecris en capital la pluplart de mes corrections et je suis sure de mes reponses car j'etais dans une ecole anglaise pendant 10 ans et viens de commencer mes etudes francaises ...

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