Affiche sur la pollution

Publié le 1 avr. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 avr. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Try to convince other people to act.
- a small text
- a catchphrase
- a name of association + logo
- a website
- a picture

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

donc il faut tout inventer, et la picture on peut la prendre à partir de google.
j'ai juste commencé à faire la catchphrase(phrase d'accroche) qui est " If we don't change our habits, Polar bears will disappear", le site web que j'ai inventé est (com=anglais?)
Ensuite , je ne sais pas quoi faire .. :s

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 avr. 2011
Met plutôt que de l'anglais dans ton nom de site, du style ""...
Posté le 3 avr. 2011
Je vais trouver des idées. Je t'aide demain
Posté le 3 avr. 2011 is a website dedicated to polar bears. Polar bears are threatened to disappear in a few decades if we do not act Polar bears have only one enemy: man and pollution

The polar bears in Greenland
are the most endangered bears in the Arctic. This is due to the fact that their main prey, seals, are contaminated with POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants). When the seals are eaten, the POPs are absorbed by the bears, and their reproductive ability is being affected as a result.
This beautiful animal is endangered because man is not aware that pollution has destroyed its environment. Today, we only number 22 000 polar bears. It is high time that we reacted. Let's think of all the ways to reduce pollution There are many ways to reduce pollution like waste management, recycling paper, cardboard boxes, avoiding driving if possible.
All those things are essential to decrease pollution.
By donating your time to an environment-friendly organization, you will help us in our fight to save polar bears and that you are aware of global warming and its consequences.
Please join a team that is making a difference
Voilà pour un peu d'idées

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