Anglais, rédaction help

Publié le 21 sept. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 sept. 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Pourriez-vous me dire ce qui ne va pas dans ma rédaction afin que je l'améliore.

Je suis censée être un personnage qui parle dans une assemblée...

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored to be here, with you.

I introduce myself, my name is (NOM/Prénom), I'm an explorer and scientist.


I am here to talk about an important subject.

There are three months ago, I was in Amazonian forest, Peru, Brazil, for study wildlife. Over there, several tribes live alone, without technology that we know. They have differents traditions, differents cultures, differents langages… But they are human, as me , as you, as everybody in this world ! I met Raoni, their boss. He was angry because we were take their villages, their homes. The deforestation ! Yes, the deforestation basically involves converting woodlands into farmland. The remaining forest is threatened. The Indians are afraid for their children. Will they continue to live as their ancestors ? Will they live in Amazonian forest ? Peru ? Brazil ? Will there still a forest in Amazonia ?


We know that trees and vegetation are beneficial. They breathe like us. But, they keep carbon dioxide and release oxygen. They serve as home to animals. They are dendrobates, spiders, jaguars, monkeys, snakes and many other species. What will they do ? Burn Amazonian forest to gain territory ? Kill animals to gain territory ? No, we have to stop that !


I'm convinced that we must help Indians tribues and animals. I disagree with the idea of doing nothing. I want politicians to take measures against the deforestation in their countries. We have to save the nature. Yes, I think so. In my view, any human is the brother of another ! Save your brother, save the mankind, save the world !


So, I created an association against the deforestation ! It's called : ' Raoni, a human as you' in honor to this courageous man. I organize demonstrations every mnth, to protest against the deforestation and to save animals and Indians tribues.

So, join me ! Engage yourself !

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