compréhension de l écrit

Publié le 25 avr. 2014 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 avr. 2014 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir

Répondre au questions suivantes:

1/Describe the situation :characters,events,etc.

2/Describe what the child did and why

3/how did the people present react?

4/Explain why the  grandfather says:"You are my revenge"

voici le texte
grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a torrent of water streaming out from under the door. She shrieked twice-firstvin astonishment,then in rage.
She flung open the bathroom door and saw that the sink and
tub were plugged up and that the faucets were going at full blast.
Everyone knew who the culprit was.The guests quickly formed a protective barricade around me,but Grandmother was so furious that she almost go to me anyway ,flailing her arms as if trying to swim over the crowd.
Several strong men eventually moved her away and calmed her down,although she spultered and fumed for quite a while.
My grandfather took me by the hand and sat me on his lap in a chair near the window.He was a kind and gentle man,full of wisdom and patience.Rarely did he raise his voice to anyone, and never did he argue with his wife or defy her wishes.
He looked at me with much curiosity ,not at all angry or upset "tell me",he asked,"why did you do it?"
"Well, she yelled at me for nothing"I said earnestly ."Now she's got something to yell about"
Grandfather didn't speak right away.He just sat there ,looking at me and smiling.
"Eric ",he said at last ,"you are my revenge"

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Bonjours,pouvez vous m aidez svp

j'ai déjà repondu a la une et a la deux mais je ne sais vraiment pas pour la trois et la quatre pouvez vous m aidez merci d avance pour toute reponse 

bonne journée

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 avr. 2014

Pour la 3 tu dis que tout le monde sais qui est le coupable et ils ont tous essaye de protéger le petit eric de sa grands mère

pour la 4 je n'en suis pas sur mais le grands père dit ne jamais hausser la voie ou défié sa grands mère et qu'il prends sa comme une sorte de revenge de la parts de sont petit fils car lui ne peut rien faire 

Posté le 25 avr. 2014

puis je avoir une reponse a mes questions en anglais svp?

merci merci d'avance

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