Compréhension orale

Publié le 10 avr. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 17 avr. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir


Je bloque vraiment sur cette compréhension orale.. ça va trop vite.. je l'ai déjà écouter 20 fois, je crois..

Type of document : news report/play/interview/sports commentary/ weather report.
total number of speakers : 1/2/3/4

Match the names with the corresponding element(s) (je ne sais pas si les espaces se verront, mais c'est sous forme d'un tableau, ou ils faut relié)

Simon Calder - married
Lonely Planet - mentionned
Maureen wheeler - reporter
Tony - speaker
- guide book

3. what is the subject of the document ?
4. a. which is the country it is about ?
b. quote two elements which are characteristic of this country

5. complete the table with the appropriate information:

Means of transport to the country :
2 means of transport in the country :
number of days travel in this extract :
profession of the two people they met :

6. Put the following steps in Tony and Maureen's itinerary in the correct chronological order:
_ Immigration officials control their identity
_ they arrive in Exmouth
_ they change vehicles
_ they hitchhike with a Yugoslav truck driver
1. They leave Indonesia
_ they see aborigines at a pub
_ the see their first kangaroo
_ they sleep someone's garage

Enregistrement :

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pour le type de document j'ai mis : new report
3 speakers
et je pense que Maureen Wheeler est reporter
et pour le 4.a) on parle de l'Australie

Autrement, je bloque complétement. Merci d'avance de votre aide, j'en ai besoin..

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 12 avr. 2012
moi non plus je n'y arrive pas ! :(
Posté le 12 avr. 2012
punaise.. comment on va faire..?
Posté le 12 avr. 2012
Bonjour , 1. Interview - 3 speakers
2. Simon Calder = reporter & speaker
Lonely Planet = guide book
Maureen Wheeler = married & speaker
Tony = married & mentioned
3. Tony & Maureen Wheeler’s arrival / stay 4. a) Australia b) kangaroos & aborigines La 5 je te laisse faire , pour la 6 : 3 – Immigration officials control their identity.
2 – They arrive in Exmouth.
7 – They change vehicles.
5 – They hitchhike with a Yugoslav truck driver. 1 – They leave Indonesia.
6 – They see aborigines at a pub.
4 – They see their first kangaroo.
8 – They sleep in someone’s garage. Pour la suite je te laisse faire , si t as besoin d aide j y répondrais
Posté le 13 avr. 2012
Merci beaucoup! J'essaye de faire le reste, tu pourras me dire si j'ai juste alors, je le posterais.
Posté le 16 avr. 2012
Type of document : interview
total number of speakers : 2

Match the names with the corresponding element(s) (je ne sais pas si les espaces se verront, mais c'est sous forme d'un tableau, ou ils faut relié)

Simon Calder reporter and speaker
Lonely Planet guide book
Maureen wheeler speaker
Tony - mentioned and married

3. what is the subject of the document ?traveling
4. a. which is the country it is about ?australia
b. quote two elements which are characteristic of this country
- the poors are the aborgines
- there are kangaroos ervy where
5. complete the table with the appropriate information:

Means of transport to the country :yacht
2 means of transport in the country :truck and car
number of days travel in this extract :1
profession of the two people they met :yugoslav dirver
traveling selsman

6. Put the following steps in Tony and Maureen's itinerary in the correct chronological order:
_3 Immigration officials control their identity
_2 they arrive in Exmouth
_7 they change vehicles
_5 they hitchhike with a Yugoslav truck driver
1. They leave Indonesia
_6they see aborigines at a pub
_4 the see their first kangaroo
_8 they sleep someone's garage

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