Correction d'une image de pollution.

Publié le 29 déc. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 janv. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Salut les cybers papys ! J'ai une photo a décrire, es ce que vous pouvez me dire si j'ai fait de grosses fautes ? si mes phrases sont correctes? ou si je pourrai m'améliorer? s'il vous plait ? Merci d'avance NINA . N

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The document is a photo, in color, the colours are striking.
As an introduction, in the first paragraph, we describe the picture and in the second, we will say what that means.
First, in a general way, It’s an urban landscape and when we look at this landscape, we see the misery of our environment. In the foreground, we can see waste such as household waste, paper, cardboard or plastic ... Then, In the background we see a lot of seagulls flying over the waste.
After, to explain this photo, the photographer's aim is to show the environmental degradation. He shows us a symbol of nature who responds to injury than the man involved. He describes, the pollution our beaches. Especially as waste are slow to degrade. So, he said : "We Have to ACT!".

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 janv. 2012
je vous propose: ex : the document is photo, the color is green
they are :homan ,hair,he very ungly, nose eye mais la vous ete un train de vous amelioree................
Posté le 2 janv. 2012
Elle est un peu légère ta description.
The document is a color picture.
At first, we will describe the picture then we will talk about its meaning.

This picture represents an urban landscape.

Pourrais-tu mettre la photo merci afin d'étayer tes dires?
Posté le 2 janv. 2012
J'ai refai mon texte avec votre aide et j'ai modifié quelques trucs. Le voici :
The document is a colour photo, the colours are striking.
As an introduction, we will describe the picture then we will talk about its meaning.
First, this picture represents an urban landscape and when we look at this landscape, we see the misery of our environment. In the foreground, we can see waste such as household waste, paper, cardboard or plastic ... Then, in the background we see a lot of seagulls flying over the waste.
After, the photographer's aim is to show the environmental deterioration. He shows us a symbol of nature who responds to injury that man caused. He describes the pollution of our beaches. Especially as waste is slow to degrade. I think that, he said: We Have to ACT!

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