Correction d'un texte en anglais

Publié le 20 avr. 2014 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 avr. 2014 dans 10A
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Sujet du devoir

J'ai fait un texte en anglais et j'aimerais si c'est possible que vous me disiez où sont mes erreurs merci 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

This excerpt written by John coetzee will tell us about a generation gap between Mr. Rayment a senior and Drago his auxiliary's young son.
Everything begins the day when drago lends a helping hand about computer's
Mr. Rayment.
However drago can't access to the Internet , nevertheless Mr explains that he makes use of to keep in touch.
Drago is astoniked without internet, it's weird. So he wondered about the date of purchase of PC. Mr. Doesn't reminisce, then he explains That he doesn't follow the fashion.
For greedy drago adds that Mr doesn't like moves with the times. He answers dryly that it doesn't match up to your standard.
Drago can't believe one's ears. Mr. Is outrageous about prejudice's drago. Suddenly he becomes philosophers then he talks about the future's drago Which he will be considered obsolete.
To catch up in these words he affirms that his grandparents have a computer and they can do everything like send pictures.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 20 avr. 2014

This excerpt written by John Coetzee will tell us about a generation gap between Mr. Rayment a senior and Drago his auxiliary's young son.
Everything begins the day when Drago lends a helping hand about computer's
Mr. Rayment.
However Drago can't access to the Internet , nevertheless Mr explains that he makes use of to keep in touch.
The dragon is astoniked without internet, it's weird. So he wondered about the date of purchase of a PC. Mr. Doesn't reminisce, then he explains That he doesn't follow the fashion.For greedy dragon adds that Mr doesn't like moves with the times. He answers dryly that it doesn't match up to your standard.
Dragon can't believe one's ears. Mr. Is outrageous about prejudice's Drago. Suddenly he becomes philosophers then he talks about the future's Drago Which he will be considered obsolete.
To catch up in these words he affirms that his grandparents have a computer and they can do everything like to send pictures.

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