corriger mon texte

Publié le 9 mai 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 16 mai 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

voila mon texte aidez moi en corrigeant mes fautes

Once uponce a day in the city for the twientieth siecle a little boy called the little red riding hood go out to buy junk food(macdo) for this grand-mother,who lives in the 50 streer manchester.After this he go to the grand mother’s house and he meelt the unknown.He talk to the unknown and he run to the little red ridind hod mother’s ans he killed the grand-ma.the boy come and he said: “I have a macdo”.
“good my children”said the unknon,”come on”.
“ok” said,he’s walking for the bed “you are a boy!”cried the boy”where is my grand -ma?”asked the little red.
“I have killed her grand-ma and now I killed you.”
The little red riding holl run and scream”help,help;help,they have killed my grand-ma!”
A policeman come and help the boy.he killed the unknown and the little red riding hood grand-mother’s revit.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

voila mon texte que j'ai ecrit mais comme je ne suis pas fort en anglais j'ai du faire des milliers de fautes et comme je dois rendre ce devoir sur feuille aidez moi a avoir le moins de fautes possible voir plus aucune

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 9 mai 2011
once upon a time in a XXth century city, a little boy called Littlr Red Riding Hood went out to buy junk food for his grandmother who lived at 50 King's Street in Manchester.Then on the way to his grandmother's house and he met a stranger.He talked to the stranger who ran to hios grandmother's place.He killed her. When the boy arrived he said:'I ha
Posté le 9 mai 2011
' I have a burger'.
'Good, my child.Come over here.'
'OK', he said and he made for the bed.
'You're a man', cried the boy 'Where's my granny?'.
Posté le 9 mai 2011
then on the way to his grandmother's house he met a stranger

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