Description d'un film, puis caractère physique, vestimentaire et moral d'un personnage choisi.

Publié le 29 déc. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 2 janv. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je dois prendre un film faire un petit résumé puis prendre un personnage et le décrire physiquement, moralement et vestimentairement. Je dois utiliser le présent simple, le comparatif, can + base verbale et good at + V-ing. J'ai fais exposé et j'aimerais que quelqu'un me le corrige et me donne son avis merci beaucoup.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Breaking Down: Bella and Edward get married and go to honeymoon, they are forced to return home because Bella is pregnant her baby who could kill her. His child is a danger because is uncontrollable and the werewolves will do everything to kill him. Jacob is Bella best friend, he refuses to kill her and leaves whit Seth and Leah to protect bella. I don't like the book but the movie and the character of Seth are so cute!
Character: His name is Seth Clearwater, he has 15 years, he have black short hair and brown eyes. His skin is tanned, he is very athletic and muscular. His clothes are generally t-shirt or topless and he use a short.
Seth is prettier than Jacob and is more charming than Edward.
In the movie he help Bella and he protect her baby of werewolve.
Seth is happy, optimistic, honest and sincere but he have the personnality of little boy.
Seth is less stronger than Jacob, more smarter than Edward and as quick as his sister: Leah
He is famous for his beauty and his humor.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 déc. 2011
Tu l'as fait seule ou avec internet?
Tu as un problème de temps dès la première phrase...
Je vais relire...
Posté le 30 déc. 2011
Avec les deux je me suis aidée d'internet pour le vocabulaire sinon je suis sure que j'ai des problemes de temps puisque je suis nulle en anglais....
Posté le 30 déc. 2011
Tiens, voilà une correction, mais j'ai pu oublier des fautes...

Breaking Down:
Bella and Edward got married and took a honeymoon. However, they have to return home because Bella is pregnant and her baby could kill her. Their child is a danger because she is uncontrollable and the werewolves will do everything to kill her. Jacob is Bella best friend, but he refuses to kill her and leaves Seth and Leah to protect Bella.
I don't like the book but the film and the character of Seth are so cute!

His name is Seth Clearwater, he is 15 years-old, and he has black short hair and brown eyes. His skin is tanned; he is very athletic and muscular. He usually wears t-shirts or topless and shorts.
Seth is prettier than Jacob and is more charming than Edward.
In the film, he helps Bella and he protects her baby from werewolves.
Seth is happy, optimistic, honest and sincere but he has the mind of little boy.
Seth is less strong than Jacob, smarter than Edward and as quick as his sister: Leah
He is famous for his beauty and his humour.
Posté le 31 déc. 2011
Ah, j'ai oublié dans le résumé : "Jacob is Bella's best friend".

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