Devoir Anglais 9

Publié le 28 mars 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 15 avr. 2011 dans 13A
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Sujet du devoir

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Part one

1) Write the correct answers (yes’’or’’no’’)
a) Pi is present when his parents are talking
b) The parents share the same opinion of Mrs Gandhi
c) The parents agree about Pi becoming a Muslim
d) Ravi must be Pi’s brother

2) Complete
A) The religions under consideration are ……………………………..
Pi is interested in religions. He considers …………………. Religions.
He considers becoming a ……………. a ……………….. a …………………….. .

b) Ramakrishma is a figure of the ……………… religion, while Saint ……………………….. and Saint ……………………….. brought the ……………………. Religion to india.

Part two

True or false? Justify your answers in your own words or with the words from the document.

1) According to the father, their family values tradictionnal beliefs.
2) The march of progress cannot be stopped.
3) Progress can be attributed to technology alone.
4) The father has a good opinion of Mrs Gandhi.
5) Bapu Gandhi is an affectionate term used to refer to the great man.
6) The father doesn’t take seriously his son’s conversion to Islam.
7) The Christians did some good to the country, apart from religion.
8) The mother takes the side of the Muslims.
9) The mother looks at her son’s interest in religion as an adolescent preoccupation.
10) Ravi has the same interests as Pi.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Part one
1) Write the correct answers (yes’’or’’no’’)
a) Pi is present when his parents are talking : yes
b) The parents share the same opinion of Mrs Gandhi : no
c) The parents agree about Pi becoming a Muslim : no
d) Ravi must be Pi’s brother : yes

2) Complete
A) The religions under consideration are ……………………………..
Pi is interested in religions. He considers 3 Religions.
He considers becoming a hindu a muslim a christian .

b) Ramakrishma is a figure of the ……………… religion, while Saint ……………………….. and Saint ……………………….. brought the ……………………. Religion to india.

Part two

True or false? Justify your answers in your own words or with the words from the document.

1) According to the father, their family values tradictionnal beliefs. true
2) The march of progress cannot be stopped. false
3) Progress can be attributed to technology alone. : true
4) The father has a good opinion of Mrs Gandhi. : false
5) Bapu Gandhi is an affectionate term used to refer to the great man. : false
6) The father doesn’t take seriously his son’s conversion to Islam. : true
7) The Christians did some good to the country, apart from religion. : true
8) The mother takes the side of the Muslims. : false
9) The mother looks at her son’s interest in religion as an adolescent preoccupation. : true
10) Ravi has the same interests as Pi. : false, he teases Pi.

Je voudrais de l’aide pour justifier mes réponses dans la partie 2 et pour quelques réponses que je n’ai pas trouvé dans la 2)b) De la partie 1 svp.

9 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 28 mars 2011
J'ai un très bon niveau en anglais, je peux t'aider si tu veux. Mais donne moi un coup de main aussi :
Posté le 3 avr. 2011
J'aimerais bien t'aider mais il m'est impossible d'ouvrir le fichier. Il semble corrompu. Pourrais-tu renvoyer le lien merci ?
Posté le 3 avr. 2011
J'aimerais bien t'aider mais il m'est impossible d'ouvrir le fichier. Il semble corrompu. Pourrais-tu renvoyer le lien merci ?
Posté le 3 avr. 2011
J'aimerais bien t'aider mais il m'est impossible d'ouvrir le fichier. Il semble corrompu. Pourrais-tu renvoyer le lien merci ?
Posté le 3 avr. 2011
Le lien ne fonctionne plus pouvais vous m'ajouter je vous l'envoi par mail
Posté le 3 avr. 2011
Eu non pardon c'est cette adresse
Posté le 4 avr. 2011
Je t'ai envoyé un mail
Posté le 5 avr. 2011
2) Complete
A) The religions under consideration are ……………………………..
Pi is interested in religions. He considers 3 Religions.
He considers becoming a hindu a muslim a christian . .

b) Ramakrishma is a figure of the Hindu religion, while Saint Saint ……Francis xavier………………….. brought the ……christian………………. Religion to india.

Et puis faut que je justifie mes réponses pour le dernier exercice :
Part two

True or false? Justify your answers in your own words or with the words from the document.

1) According to the father, their family values traditional beliefs. false they live in a modern way; they are a modern Indian family.
2) The march of progress cannot be stopped. Right It’s unstoppable
3) Progress can be attributed to technology alone. : true Technology will help good ideas to spread. If you don’t accept technology, we will be condemned to disonaurhood.
4) The father has a good opinion of Mrs Gandhi. : false she is a foolish
5) Bapu Gandhi is an affectionate term used to refer to the great man. : yes it’s an affectionate term used by Pi.
6) The father doesn’t take seriously his son’s conversion to Islam. : true They are outsiders. For him, they are opposed to the Indian traditions
7) The Christians did some good to the country, apart from religion. : true they built good schools
8) The mother takes the side of the Muslims. : right she thinks that they are hundred times numerous than Christians They have been there for a long time in India. They are not doing any harm for her.
9) The mother looks at her son’s interest in religion as an adolescent preoccupation. : true She thinks it’s maybe a phase. It may pass.
10) Ravi has the same interests as Pi. : false he is interested in his crickets, movies, music
Posté le 7 avr. 2011
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de m'aider.

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