Devoir maison : create your own superhero

Publié le 5 avr. 2014 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 avr. 2014 dans 10A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, J'ai un devoir maison à rendre pour lundi et je dois creer mon propre super héro, raconter son histoire, ses capacités, ses points faibles,  si vous pouviez me dire ce que vous en pensez et si besoin effectuer une correction. Merci beaucoup


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Leonardo is an orphan, abandoned by his parents. Before to living in miami he lived in an orphanage in Nape, in Italy. He is a good looking teenager : he has blue eyes, messy ask blond hair, thin eyebrows, thin lips and cute dimples. In addition to this pretty face, Leonardo is really well built, indeed he is tall, slim and muscular. As you understood all the girls fall for this attractive and cute young man. But Leonardo is very reserved and shy, he isn't interested by girls and party like all the others teenagers.he is not only an normal human being he is also a superhero who rescues people around.

Here is story : before his accident when he was fifteen, he spent all his spare time surfing in the ocean, besides his motto was "eat, surf, sleep, repeat" and when he wasn't surfing, he could admire during hours the wave and the horizon. But one day after a hard day's work ( he had an exam about the consequences of global warming), he left high school exhausted and wanted relax him on the beach. Going there with his bike he heard on the radio that the waves had never been as big for a century. Leonardo, intrepid took his surfboard and went surfing. The waves were huge and he was engulfed by a roll. The current was so strong that he was knocked by his surfboard and attracted towards the bottom he fainted. When he reached the bottom, he touched a radioactive waste and an explosion with an intensive light happened. When he woke up, he was lying on the beach, the foot in the water. He felt ill strong and revive. The surprise for him was when he discovers his superpowers : expect the fact that he can fly, run very quickly and jump very hight, like most of superheroes, he has superpowers related to water. He has the strength of the shark, the intelligence of the dolphin, he is able to put out fires using water jets coming out from his hands, stop floods by drinking all the water up and even freeze liquid water. When he is injured, he is also able to recover quickly . With his news capacities, he decided to leave Italy and went in miami to begin a new life. He became swimming instructor on the beach. He always is there where there is an accident or a problem or when someone is about to drown and he always is ready to safe people.
Ocean man's costume is entirely blue and we can see the water formula h2o om his chest. He also wear an ice mask which covers his face like that we don't know who is hided behind. He is brave, fearless, generous and he is not scared of dying and taking risks. Ocean's manmission is protect people of danger, for this, he fights several villains including his worst enemy fireman who tries to make him fail his mission. He takes advantage of ocean man's weak point. Leonardo needs water to morph into ocean man.
Ocean man always work on his own, he doesn't belong to a team or haven't a partner.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 6 avr. 2014

Alors, c'est parti pour la correction 

Before MOVING TO MIAMI, in NAPE,ITALY. GIRLS AND PARTIES, AN ACCIDENT, WAVES ! , When he was going there by bicycle, IS ALWAYS ! x2, in order to do not know his identity, is to protect or protecting, 

Voilà , sinon , l'histoire est pas mal :) Pense à rajouter quelqun mot de liaison du style;=: De plus, (moreover ou furthermore) , en fait (in fact) etc afin de fluidifier le récit . 

Posté le 6 avr. 2014

Merci pour votre aide

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