dialogue entre un suspect et un policier

Publié le 11 mars 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 13 mars 2015 dans 9A
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Sujet du devoir

je dois faire un dialogue en anglais entre un suspect et un policier.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

je l'ai déjà fait, je veux seulement savoir si j'ai des fautes. merci.


After a lengthy investigation about the tragic death of Patrick Maloney, the police officer finally found the murderer. Jack Noonan arrested the culprit. He interrogated Mrs Maloney at the police post in order to have more information.  


“Mrs Maloney, we both know why you're here”, he began.

“I don’t see what you mean”, she denied peacefully.
“Really? No problem. Well, so you can tell me what you were doing when your husband be killed, don’t you ? ”, he asked stealthily.
“I've already said it, I went the grocer, you can even go see him”, she sighed.
"I was sure you were going to say that. We did, yes.” He answered.

“And what did he say?” she asked anxiously.

He kept silent.

“He confirmed your presence.”

“What did I tell you?” she boasted scornfully.

“Yes but we have to tell you something”, he snapped.

She wondered what it could be.

“The grocer heard you call to your mother and he listen to the conversation and realized that your mother was at home to prepare the lamb, can you confirm what he said?” he added with his eyes fixed on.

“Yes this is true”, she said with an air of inflexible calmness.

He winced.

“Oh no... It’s awful, don’t you think that... my mother... Could... oh my god!”, she yelled.

He nodded.

“His fingerprints were found on the body of the victim and on the one side of the body were found your mother's ear loops”, he admitted bitterly.

“She has never loved my husband, but how did she have done this?” She whispered in a stifled voice.

“Sorry... now you can go home, go to rest. Thank you for your cooperation. Good luck.” He declared quickly, leaving alone the woman.


He left the room. But a strange atmosphere reigned in the room. Something was still indescribable. Jack Noonan could not decipher the Mrs Maloney’s smile at the announcement of the arrest of his mother. It seemed so evil. Something was wrong but he did not know what.


2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 11 mars 2015

"When your husband BE killed" 

Posté le 13 mars 2015



After a lengthy investigation about the tragic death of Patrick Maloney, the police officer finally found the murderer. Jack Noonan arrested the culprit. He interrogated Mrs Maloney at the police post in order to have more information.  


“Mrs Maloney, we both know why you're here”, he began.

“I don’t see what you mean”, she denied peacefully.
“Really? No problem. Well, so, you can tell me what were you doing when your husband was killed, I'm sure you will tell us this ,won't you ? ”, he asked stealthily.
“I've already said it, I went to the grocer, you can even go and see with him”, she sighed.
"I was sure you were going to say that. We've already done it.” He answered.

“And what did he say?” she asked anxiously.

He kept silent.

“He confirmed your presence.”

“What did I tell you?” she boasted scornfully.

“Yes... but we must tell you something else”, he snapped.

She wondered what it could be.

“The grocer heard your call to your mother and he listened to the conversation and realized that your mother was at home to prepare the lamb, can you confirm what he said?” he added with his eyes fixed on.

“Yes this is true”, she said with an air of inflexible calmness.

He winced.

“Oh no... It’s awful, don’t you think that... my mother... Could... oh my god!”, she yelled.

He nodded.

“Her fingerprints were found on the body of the victim and on  one side of the body were found your mother's ear loops”, he admitted bitterly.

“She has never liked my husband, but how did she commit that?” She whispered in a stifled voice.

“Sorry... now you can go home, go to rest. Thank you for your cooperation. Good luck.” He declared quickly, leaving alone the woman.


He left the room. But a strange atmosphere reigned in the room. Something was still indescribable. Jack Noonan could not decipher the Mrs Maloney’s smile at the announcement of the arrest of his mother. It seemed so evil. Something was wrong but he did not know what.



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