Publié le 28 mars 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 31 mars 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

mettre en scene la rencontre entre hazel et elizabeth des années apres l'evenement de 1957 a little rock scholl conseille : hazel sescuse elle vont sexpliqué lors de cette premier rencontre hazel racontre quelizabeth et elle etait mal a laise on devra donc retrouver se sentiment dabs le dialogue sont esclus la violence l'insolebce linsulte doive etre present les escuses la gene lhesitation la froideur la méfiance lamitié ne peu pa etre envisager lors de la premier rencontre

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

hazel and elizabeth are meeting at hazel home

hazel:thank for you presence here
elizabeth:your welcome what did you talkt about ?
hazel:firs,i m feel quilty,what happend to little rock and i apologies for this
elizabeth:i'm feel humiliated before demonstrator what prompted you to do that
hazel:i'm sorry having do this.Wanted to take on my fater example but i regret
elizabeth:for us the black students it was diffucult you will hade to reflect
hazel:at this age i was young i had no conviction
elizabeth:ok but i think that you want to apologize to have an easy conscience
hazel:no i realized that i was wrong,if pleases you accept my escuses
elizabeth:i forgive you as you said that you were young
hazel:thank you for having taken your time to listen to my escuses
elizabeth:happy to have know about you.good bye
hazel: good bye

ba c'est mon dialogue je voudrais savoir si j'avais fait des faute ou je pourrais amelioré des choses meme au pire si vous me proposez un même dialogue plus cours mais avec tout les elements de la consigne respectez merci

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 mars 2011
Hazel and Elizabeth are meeting at hazel home

hazel:thank for you being here
elizabeth:your welcome. what is wrong with you?
hazel:first, I feel guilty about what happened in little rock and I apologize for this
elizabeth: I felt humiliated before demonstrator what prompted you to do that
hazel:i'm sorry to have done this. I Wanted to take on my father's example but I regret
elizabeth:for us the black students it was diffucult you will have to think about you actings.
hazel:at that age i was young i had no conviction
elizabeth:ok but i think that you want to apologize to have make your conscience easier.
hazel:no i realized that i was wrong,if please you accept my apologies
elizabeth:i forgive you as you said that you were young
hazel:thank you for having taken your time to listen to me
elizabeth:happy to have met you.good bye
hazel: good bye

Posté le 30 mars 2011

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