
Publié le 18 nov. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir j'ai du mal à remplir ma phrase a trou à l'aide de ce texte:
"Girl rejected for car mechanic's job wins 24,00 (livre)

A teenage girl who was turned down for an apprenticeship as a car mechanic because of her sex has been awarded more that 24,00 in damages.

an industrial tribunal in croydon,london,decided taht miss karen bishop,17 was unfairly denied a 4,000 a year apprenticeship in favour of two 16 years old boys by cooper BMW of thames ditton.she had been asked at her interview if she minded gettinf her hands dirty . the siez of the award is evidence of tribunal's increasing generosity towards women winning sexual discrimination cases since the lifting of an 11,000 ceiling on compendation last year.
it was also seen as a warning to employers against discrimination at interviews.
texte a trou :
Karen decided to .... a job as a car mechanic. it was a remunarated............


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 nov. 2011
Tout d'abord , tu as juste une phrase à faire ? et qu'as tu compris du texte ?
Posté le 18 nov. 2011
apply for a job
Posté le 18 nov. 2011
Karen decided to .... a job as a car mechanic. it was a remunarated...........
voial al phrase que je dois remplir
oui j'ai compris le texte
Posté le 18 nov. 2011
apply for a job : cela veut dire postuler
it was a remunerated job
Posté le 18 nov. 2011
Posté le 18 nov. 2011

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