évaluation 2 anglais CNED seconde

Publié le 23 févr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 févr. 2015 dans 9A
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Sujet du devoir

Water Storage Systems

This is the VOA* Special English Development Report.
Each year, millions of people in Bangladesh drink ground water that has been polluted by
naturally high levels of arsenic poison. Finding safe drinking water in that country can be a
problem. However, International Development Enterprises has a low-cost answer. This nongovernmental
organization has developed technology to harvest rainwater.
People around the world have been harvesting rainwater for centuries. It is a safe, dependable
source of drinking water. Unlike ground water, rainwater contains no minerals or salts
and is free of chemical treatments. Best of all, it is free.
The rainwater harvesting system created by International Development Enterprises uses
pipes to collect water from the tops of buildings. The pipes stretch from the buildings to a
two-meter tall storage tank made of metal. At the top of the tank is a so-called “first-flush”
device made of wire screen. This barrier prevents dirt and leaves in the water from falling
inside the tank.
A fitted cover sits over the “first-flush” device. It protects the water inside the tank from evaporating.
The cover also prevents mosquito insects from laying eggs in the water.
Inside the tank is a low-cost plastic bag that collects the water. The bag sits inside another
plastic bag similar to those used to hold grains. The two bags are supported inside the metaltank. All total, the water storage system can hold up to three-thousand-five-hundred liters of
water. International Development Enterprises says the inner bags may need to be replaced
every two to three years. However, if the bags are not damaged by sunlight, they could last
even longer.
International Development Enterprises says the water harvesting system should be built on
a raised structure to prevent insects from eating into it at the bottom. The total cost to build
this rainwater harvesting system is about forty dollars. However, International Development
Enterprises expects the price to drop over time. The group says one tank can provide a family
of five with enough rainwater to survive a five-month dry season. International Development
Enterprises has more information at its Web site, www.ideorg.org.
This VOA Special English Development Report was written by Jill Moss.
*VOA : Voice of America
How to Do Things in VOA Special English

General Comprehension (3 points)

1. Identify the type of document
a) an extract from an encyclopaedia
b) a news report
c) an extract from a novel

2. The subject of the document is water in
a) Africa
b) the rich developed countries
c) poor countries

3. The text is about water
a) for drinking
b) for agriculture
c) for animals

4. The text deals with water
a) from the sea
b) under the ground
c) from the rain

5. The text is about
a) using water
b) collecting water
c) buying water

6. The “tank” is
a) a reserve of water under the ground
b) an expensive machine used to preserve water
c) a construction designed to store water

Detailed Comprehension (17 points)

7. List 4 advantages of using the water mentioned in the text. (2 pts)

8. List 4 disadvantages of using the water mentioned in the text. (2 pts)

9. Fill in the blanks by words from the text. (2 pts)

The water falls on ………………………………………………… . Then, thanks to a system of ……...............
it is …………………….. and finally ends up in ……………………... .

10. RIGHT or WRONG? Justify your answer by quoting [citer] the text. (6 pts)

a) In the types of countries mentioned in the text it is preferable to drink ground water.
b) The system is cheap.
c) The tanks are very small.
d) The tanks need to be protected.
e) The “first-flush” device works as a filter.
f) The system may provide quite a lot of water.

11. Name the different elements of the system. (3 pts)

12. Give two reasons why the maintenance of the system will be cheap. (2 pts)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Bonjour , j'ai fini la 1 ère partie mais je suis vraiment bloqué sur la 2ème qui rapporte 17 points .

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 23 févr. 2015

Bonjour, nous ne pouvons faire le travail à ta place, nous pouvons seulement t'aider, je te mets ci-dessous l'exercice "vrai ou faux", à toi d'aller trouver dans les phrases les éléments qui justifient si les réponses sont vraies ou fausses. Je t'ai mis les n° de phrases et pas celui des lignes car dans ta présentation du devoir ici, il y a des lignes incomplètes)

right or wrong

a)->wrong (élément de citation à relever dans la phrase 1 du texte)

b)->right (élément de citation à relever dans la phrase 3)

c)->wrong (élément de citation phrase 10)

d)->right (élément de citation phrase 14)

e)->right (élément de citation dans phrase 15)

f)->right (élément de citation dans phrase 19 et/ou phrase 25)

Posté le 24 févr. 2015

Je l'ai fini merci beaucoup .


Posté le 25 févr. 2015

Le faux vrai :







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