exercice d'anglais

Publié le 25 nov. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 déc. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir


Sujet : Commenter l'image ci-dessous ( décrire, présenter ) d'un peu près 20 lignes
( j'ai mis 2 fois l'image car en cas que l'on voit mieux sur l'une par rapport à l'autre)



Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The Hay Wain is a painting by John Constable in 1821. The painting represents a rural scene on a River. The Hay Wain is painted in oil on canvas. It represents a horse who draw a hay wain across a river in the countryside probably english. The scene is set near a old cottage.

In the foreground, two characters, two man i think, leading an old cart empty and dilapidated drawn by two horses across the river. (It seems in an area of water.) We see the climate and atmosphere. The sky with its clouds, is obvious although there are the characters. A warm light bathes the entire composition.
There are the presence of a dog. There are many trees around. In the background, there are large fields of hay.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 nov. 2011
je suis fort en anglais mais suis pas a ton niveau :s
Posté le 25 nov. 2011
The Hay Wain is a painting made by John Constable in 1821. It is an oil painting. The scene takes place in the countryside probably in England. The colors are dark and the picture is blurry. The sky is cloudy.
In the background we can see a farm or a cottage that looks old and a bit shabby. In the foreground, we can distinguish two people, probably two men. One person is driving an old empty wain drawn by two horses. They are going across a pond. A dog is near the pond. It seems to be barking. The wain may be probably bogged down and one man is trying to help the other man to move the wain out of the pond.
In the background we can see a sunshine as if the painter wanted to make a contrast between the farm and its surroundings.
Posté le 2 déc. 2011
is a painting by(made est inutile).
The wain may be bogged (probably à enlever car may indique déjà la probabilité).
Posté le 2 déc. 2011
@tina : disons que probably et may cela fait redondant je l'accorde. Mais il est vrai que les Américains utilisent souvent cette expression.
mais made by c'est correct désolée de contredire. On peut ôter made mais les deux formes sont correctes.

Bonne soirée:-)

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