Exposé the dust Bowl

Publié le 31 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir


J'ai un exposé à faire pour la rentré et j'aimerai que l'on m'aide si possible. Le sujet est the dust bowl et le thème l'environnement. Est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à améliorer mon écrit ?
Sinon, un ami ma envoyé une vidéo de youtube sur ce sujet mais j'ai du mal à comprendre ce que dit la personne , est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me faire un résumé en quelques lignes de ce qu'il dit? Voici le lien de la vidéo:



Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


Today, we're going to talk about the dust bowl,. The subject of our presentation is the environment . The dust bowl , was a period of severe dust storms causing major ecological and agricultural damage to American and Canadian prairies lands from 1930 to 1940. (présenter à l'aide du carte) .
First, we are going to explain what are the causes and effects of dust bowl .Then we'll go further by explaining what measures have been taken to stop the impact of the dust bowl and if it can happen today.

Cause and effects of the dust bowl 

The dust Bowl was due to the drought following to an usual high humidity period that was later called the Great American desert but also to intensive farming. As a result, dust storms blew up.
The dust were harmful and destroyed crops uprooted the soil and covered of dirt fields, agricultural equipment and facilities. The dust Bowl was the cause of agricultural disasters and a massive rural exodus. The dust Bowl got its name after Black Sunday, April 1935. More and more dust storms had been blowing up in the years ledding up.

The weather got worse long before it got better, In 1932,the weather bureau reported 14 dust storms. In 1933, the number of dust storms climbed to 38, nearly three times as many as the year before.

The Dust Bowl covered about 100 million acres ? , in the Southern Plains, an area roughly the size of pennsylvania. Dust Storms also swept across the northern prairies of the united States and Canada, but the damage there couldn't compare to the devastation farther south.

Illustrer une photo :

This photo shows well a possible solution to the Dust Problem is irrigation. This farmer is pumping water from a well to his parched fields. It was taken in April 1936, by ROTHSTEIN,

What are the measures taken to stop the impact of the dust bowl ?

Measures were taken to stop the impacts of the dust bowls. The US government created the Natural Ressources Conservation Service and did anything possible to fight against erosion.(dire c'est quoi le Natural ressources conservation service)

Could happen the dust Bowl today ?

The dust Bowl could happen today, agribusiness is draining the groundwater from the miswest about eight times faster than rain is putting it back in. This area stretches from South Dakota to Texas and supplies about 30 percent of the nation's irrigation water . At this rate, the groundwater will be gone within the century , and parts of the Texas Panhandle will run dry in this year .

CONCLUSION : To conclude we can say that the dust bowl has had many consequences negatives , especially in the environmental( qu'est ce que je pourrai dire d'autre? )


6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 31 oct. 2011
Je vais te faire un résumé.

Je corrige d'abord tes fautes :

Today, we're going to talk about the dust bowl,. The subject of our presentation is environment . The dust bowl , was a period of severe dust storms causing major ecological and agricultural damage to American and Canadian prairies lands from 1930 to 1940. (présenter à l'aide du carte) .
First of all, we are going to explain what the causes and effects of dust bowl were .Then we'll go further by explaining what measures were taken to stop the impact of the dust bowl and if it can happen today.

Cause and effects of the dust bowl

The dust Bowl was due to the drought following to an usual high humidity period that was later called the Great American desert but also to intensive farming. As a result, dust storms blew up.
The dust were harmful and destroyed crops uprooted the soil and covered of dirt fields, agricultural equipment and facilities. The dust Bowl was the cause of agricultural disasters and a massive rural exodus. The dust Bowl got its name after Black Sunday, April 1935. More and more dust storms had been blowing up in the years ledding up.

The weather got worse long before it got better, In 1932,the weather bureau reported 14 dust storms. In 1933, the number of dust storms climbed to 38, nearly three times as many as the year before.

The Dust Bowl covered about 100 million acres ? , in the Southern Plains, an area roughly the size of pennsylvania. Dust Storms also swept across the northern prairies of the united States and Canada, but the damage there couldn't compare to the devastation farther south.

Illustrer une photo :

This photo shows well a possible solution to the Dust Problem is irrigation. This farmer is pumping water from a well to his parched fields. It was taken in April 1936, by ROTHSTEIN,

What are the measures taken to stop the impact of the dust bowl ?

Measures were taken to stop the impacts of the dust bowls. The US government created the Natural Ressources Conservation Service and did anything possible to fight against erosion.(dire c'est quoi le Natural ressources conservation service)

Could happen the dust Bowl today ?

The dust Bowl could happen today, agribusiness is draining the groundwater from the miswest about eight times faster than rain is putting it back in. This area stretches from South Dakota to Texas and supplies about 30 percent of the nation's irrigation water . At this rate, the groundwater will be gone within the century , and parts of the Texas Panhandle will run dry in this year .

CONCLUSION : To conclude we can say that the dust bowl has had many consequences negatives , especially in the environmental( qu'est ce que je pourrai dire d'autre? )

Posté le 31 oct. 2011
Aider en anglai svp ma mere cherche une fille sersieux ki peut m'aider o devooirs :)
Posté le 31 oct. 2011
Mauvais manip désolée

Today, we're going to talk about the dust bowl,. The subject of our presentation is environment . The dust bowl , was a period of severe dust storms causing major ecological and agricultural damage to American and Canadian prairies lands from 1930 to 1940. (présenter à l'aide du carte) .
First of all, we are going to explain what the causes and effects of dust bowl were .Then we'll go further by explaining what measures were taken to stop the impact of the dust bowl and if it could happen again today.

Cause and effects of the dust bowl

The dust Bowl was due to the drought following to an usual high humidity period that was later called the Great American desert but also to intensive farming. As a result, dust storms blew up.
The dust was harmful and destroyed crops uprooted the soil and covered of dirt fields, agricultural equipment and facilities. The dust Bowl was the cause of agricultural disasters and a massive rural exodus. The dust Bowl got its name after Black Sunday, April 1935. More and more dust storms had been blowing up in the years ledding up.

The weather got worse long before it got better, In 1932,the weather bureau reported 14 dust storms. In 1933, the number of dust storms climbed to 38, nearly three times as many as the year before.

The Dust Bowl covered about 100 million acres ? , in the Southern Plains, an area roughly the size of pennsylvania, Dust Storms also swept across the northern prairies of the united States and Canada, but the damage there couldn't compare to the devastation farther south.

Illustrer une photo :

This photo shows us that a possible solution to the Dust Problem is irrigation. This farmer is pumping water from a well to his parched fields. It was taken in April 1936, by ROTHSTEIN,

Which measures were taken to stop the impact of the dust bowl ?

Measures were taken to stop the impacts of the dust bowls. The US government created the Natural Ressources Conservation Service and did anything possible to fight against erosion.(dire c'est quoi le Natural ressources conservation service)

Could the dust Bowl happen again today ?

The dust Bowl could happen agin today, agribusiness is draining the groundwater from the midwest about eight times faster than rain is putting it back in. This area stretches from South Dakota to Texas and supplies about 30 percent of the nation's irrigation water . At this rate, the groundwater will be gone within the century , and parts of the Texas Panhandle will run dry in this year .

CONCLUSION : On the whole we can say that the dust bowl had many negative consequences , especially for the environment.It destroyed many farmers'life. They had to flee their home and farm to be safe. Although nobody has forgotten the dust bowl in the US, no lessons have been learned from the dust bowl crisis (aucune leçon n'a été tirée sur le dust bowl. Therefore, it might happen again in the future with terrible consequences for the US farmers.
Posté le 31 oct. 2011
pardon c'est it destroyed the life of many farmers...
Posté le 31 oct. 2011
Voilà le résumé de la video

The steel plows were the only tools that were able to break the plains. This tool had been used since civil war. The wheat was the king of this new century.

In Europe and in the US, in 1917, there was a huge demand of wheat. To meet their needs, intensive farming took place. A fragile land was being flowed to death
In 1929 an area like England was under wheat. it was a technological revolution. But in 1930 the nature stroke back. The winds swept the plains. The field crops were not able to fix the soil. The plains blew away. The new technologists were abandoned by their own land. In one black blizzard swept 5 million tons of soils took to the air to wicheta Kansas . Another swept from Montana to Mississipi. That was the dust bowl legend causing the exodus of 3 million people, the closing of railroads, and schools.
Today, we know how to prevent this. Simple rules about how Dressing the soil and plowing the land in relation to the direction of the wind could have avoided such distractions. Farmers have learned how to conserve the moisture of the land in this place of infrequent rains. The land has recovered and survived more recent drought. The secret has been getting to know this soil and to conserve its moisture.

En gros, cela veut dire que la demande de blé en Europe et aux USA en 1917 a causé la sécheresse. Les sols ont été surexploités et cela a causé ce nuage de poussière causant l'exode des fermiers...
Posté le 31 oct. 2011

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