Expressin Anglais

Publié le 14 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Salut tout le monde , je voudrais de l'aide svp pour cette exo que je dois exprimer à l'oral. mercii
Consignes :

Vous étes un personnage de la vie publique(politicien,acteur,chanteur,artiste, ..;)qui vient de visiter un lieu ou la situation humaine , animale , écologique vous a choqué.
Vous en faites part à une assemblée , vous ne manquerez pas de dire qui vous étes et vous racontez ce que vous avez vu et ce que que vous pensez et ressenter et donc pourquoi vous avez choisi de défendre cette causse.
Vous prenez partie, parlez de vos convictions et évoquez des solutions et aussi de petites que chacun peut faire . Vous avez décidé de monter une association et vous voulez convaincre les gens d'adhèrer.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Salut ,

voilà , je sais pas par ou commencer , n'y comment m'y prendre .

Vos aides me seront très précieuses.

Mercii à tous.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 14 oct. 2011
Si cela peut t'aider, voilà ce que j'avais fait pour un élève qui avait le même devoir

My name is Sandy Smith, the mayor of Greenfield, a small town in Ohio. I am a very active mayor and I am also an animal defender. Among all my duties, my job involves visiting animal shelters to check the living conditions of the animals.
Last week, I visited a shelter in Midland, in Ohio and what I saw was indescribable.
The animals were enchained and trapped in cages; many of them were sick and had wounds. So I could tell they were abused. The health and safety conditions were unacceptable. The animals were hungry and scared. After visiting this shelter, I could not help crying. I was angry, sad and upset. But I finally calmed down and thought of what I could do to change this situation. I then decided to start my own Animal rights organization called “For the Animal’s sake”. This organization will aim to protect the rights, welfare and habitats of animals. All the animal shelters that my organization will financially back, will have to meet the legislation in force and all the environmental standards. It is high time that we act for animals and we sue all the shelters that do not meet all the legal requirements. As I have said earlier, the shelter I visited was the worst I had ever seen. Those animals were calling for help. And as a human, a pet owner, I can’t remain helpless and I have to do something for them. This is why I ask you to join my organization. All the donations are welcomed and will help us to achieve our goals: no more illegal shelters!!! Feel free to donate what you can! But your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your attention and your help in this matter!
Posté le 15 oct. 2011
mercii miren75

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