Faire un portrait physique et Moral de soie même.

Publié le 2 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 9 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous ,
Ma prof d'anglais nous à donner le sujet suivant :
faire notre portrait à notre correspondant car la webcam ne marche pas.
sur le portrait faut faire une description Moral et Physique, ajouté des comparaisons ect...
l'Oral doit durer maxi 5min.
Personnellement je suis nul en Anglais.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

So i'm very good looking , with short straight haired and big dark brown eyed. I'm of average height, about 1m70.
I am quite thin, I'm 50 kg.

My face is smooth, It is oval and i'm sun-tanned.
I have a thick lips and I have smiling mouth.
I have small cheek bones and chin pointed a bit.
I'm weel-built and even broad shouldered .
I have very fine hands and legs fairly muscular .

I am a laid back person, sometimes stubborn, especially when someone asks me to do something that I do not want to do.
I am not two-faced but I am sometimes especially talkative with my friends. I am the person most talkative of my family.
I'm a little more intelligent than my older brother. I am often clumsy and forgetful. I'm a little worker, usually when it's something I like.

my friends love me for my generosity, my loyalty and my friendliness.

I have many defects, for example I'm too curious or too naive sometimes.

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