juste pour corriger

Publié le 10 déc. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 12 déc. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

The text is extracted from " A certain justice ", a detective n,ovel by P.D. James.
The scene takes place in a British court.
It takes place in (a interrogatoire room)<- ma prof ma dit reformuler To begin with, to pass an examination.
There are three persons: Venetia Albridge she is a Barrister. Gary Ashe is the defendant and the judge. Mrs Dorothy is a prosecution witness because she told the police he saw the murder.
Venetia Albridge is defending a young man accused of brutally slashing his aunt to death.
Little by little, she comes to doubt, Mrs Dorothy did not see very well because she had her old glasses, she couldn't see the faces.
After these questions, Dorothy reconnut that it had confused the faces.
Finally, Garry Ashe will probably be found innocent and discharged.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Si vous pouviez me corriger me reformuler les trucs quui ne vont pas ce serais super simpats meerci d'avanceeeeee

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 10 déc. 2011
Mrs. Dorothy's testimony's seems doubtful because she cannot see very well and was wearing her old glasses when she saw the murder. She was unable to clearly distinguish the murder's face.
After being questioned by the defendant, Dorothy admitted she mistook Garry Ashe for somebody else.

Voilà ce que je mettrais pour la dernière partie. Je n'ai que très peu de temps pour le reste, je reverrai cela plus tard.

Posté le 11 déc. 2011
Pardon mrs. Dorohy's testimony

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