Oral d'anglais pour le 11/05/16 ou le 25/05/16

Publié le 10 mai 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 12 mai 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour ou bonsoir :),

Je suis en 2nde et j'ai un oral en anglais à faire. J'ai fait la plus grosse partie de cet oral mais la dernière partie me pose problème: voilà, je dois écrire une histoire fictive au passé en utilisant les trois formes du passé. J'ai déjà écrit deux petites histoires (une est normalement corrigé mais pas l'autre) mais le problème c'est que je n'arrive pas à savoir si elles ont bien les trois formes du passé et si je parle bien dans un anglais correct. Ni laquelle correspond le plus à ce que l'on me demande.

Je passe donc cet oral le 11/05/16 ou le 25/05/16 parce que nous sommes tirés au sort donc nous connaissons pas notre jour de passage. Je ne demande pas à ce que l'on me corrige complètement mon devoir mais que l'on m'indique mes erreurs et un avis sur ces deux histoires qui sont... un peu pourries :D 

Merci beaucoup d'avance pour votre aide :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Première histoire:

I watched A film CALLEDs The maze runner two years ago. There is a film which persons wedge in the maze runner . The film was very great but it CAUSED me TO panic. My breathing blocked and my muscles were tight like a bow. I was UNABLE to reflect. I had to go to sleep: There was a very bad idea. I had the impression that I WAS STUCK in the maze runner. I couldn't move or talk. Nobody helped me: I was alone in the maze runner FACING my fear. The animals SURROUNDed me. They were coverED WITH blood… of my blood. I bleeded a lot blood. I didn't MANAGE to wake up. I HAD anFIT OF anxiety attack because of this film. When I wOke up, I had been sweatING as if I had BEEN rUnNING FOR one hour. IT was my worsT nightmare. I could never have been watchED this film A second time. I had been slepT for three days.

Deuxième histoire:

My brother has done the fear of my life. I was sitting in my sofa and I was watching a horror movie with my friend, Lola. The movie was horrible. The story was a doll which killed and tortured people of it house. Suddenly, I heard a noise in the stairs. My body petrified because I was afraid. Lola laughed and said me: “It is just your cat”. I felt so stupid, my cat had to play with it toy in the stairs. We went on to watch movie then I remembered a thing: I didn’t have got a cat. I said Lola: “Oh my god! I don’t have got a cat! I am scared of animals.” The lamps switched off. Lola gave out shouts. She was terrified. Lola held me with all her strengths. The noise approached of us. It was a voice which said: “I will kill you and nobody won’t be able to help you.” We screamed to not have of breath. A thing which spoke flung itself on us. Lola lost consciousness. All at once, a laugh raised on the living room. My brother switched on the living room. He said me: “It is a joke! Because you have been unkind with me, I avenge myself.” I was very angry against my brother but I like him so I forgave him.



2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 10 mai 2016

        Salut Juliette Nrd

 Je ne suis pas très douée pour l'anglais, mais j'utilise un site qui corrige très bien l'anglais. Je ne sais pas si tu connait déjà mais je te le donne comme même alors c'est REVERSO 

Voila si sa peut t'aider très bien et si e n'ai pas le cas désoler 

Posté le 11 mai 2016

Merci beaucoup ! J'ai pu au moins voir mes erreurs les plus grosses :) Je n'avais jamais vu cette option sur Reverso. J'ai fini par réussir à les corriger toute seule.

Bonne journée et merci encore !

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