Oral en Anglais

Publié le 25 mai 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 27 mai 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, voilà je dois passer mon oral. Dans le contenu il faut qu'il y'ait une présentation (nom, prénom, âge, classe, ce qu'on aime faire), le stage d'observation qu'on a fait et le métier de ses rêves. Voici mon texte : 

I'm ******* and I am 14. My hobbies are make cakes and read books. I am someone who is responsible, patient and hardworking but I'm awkward, curious and grumpy too. I've made my training course in a veterinary clinic. During all my training I've observed a veterinary and I've cleaned the clinic. That was very interesting but a bit tiring because I was standing all day. With this training, I've seen that I want to become veterinary. I want to because I love animals, take care of them and the salary is attractive. To become veterinary I have to do seven years of studies. At the beginning, a veterinary gained 1500 at 3 000 euros, at the end of career he gained 3 000 at 5 000 euros. I think I'm able to become veterinary because I'm very motivate and I want to be engaged in the animal cause.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Normalement l'oral dure 5 minutes (le temps que je parle) et je me suis chronométrée et ça m'a fait 1 min 20 grand maximum si je parle fluidement. Peut-être devrais-je rajouter des détails ? 

Je voudrais aussi avoir une correction. C'est vraiment urgent, merci d'avance

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 mai 2014

Rectification : Je suis en 3ème

Posté le 25 mai 2014

Correction :

I'm ******* and I am 14 years old. I am a responsible, patient and hardworking student, but I can sometimes be clumsy, curious and grumpy. As hobbies, I like to bake cakes (especially chocolate cakes) and read fantasy books, such as Twilight.

I've made my internship in a veterinary clinic in ******. I was able to observe the work of a professionnal veterinary surgeon and also made some cleaning in the clinic. That was very interesting though a bit tiring sometimes, as I was standing all day.

This training helped me understand that I want to become a veterinary surgeon. I love animals in general, I like taking care of them and the salary is also attractive. To become a veterinary surgeon I will have to study for seven years. It is a long time, but I think it is worth it ! The salary is especially good : at first, a veterinary surgeon will earn 1500 to 3 000 euros, and at the end of the career the salary can be up to 5 000 euros.

I think I can become a veterinary surgeon because I am very motivated, I have always loved animals and I want to be involved in the animal cause, such as saving endangered species around the world.

Les phrases en italique sont des exemples que tu peux changer. Pour rallonger le temps, tu peux citer des situations où tu as été responsable, ou curieuse par exemple. Worth it signifie : ça vaut le coup !Clumsy est mieux que awkward pour dire maladroite.

Posté le 25 mai 2014

D'accord, je vais prendre tes modifications. C'est quoi "a veterinary surgeon" ?

Posté le 25 mai 2014

"A veterinary surgeon" est un vétérinaire, ou plus exactement chirurgien vétérinaire. Les ***** ligne 4 sont pour mettre la ville de ton stage.

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