Proposition d'idée.

Publié le 12 févr. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 févr. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois rendre un grand texte en anglais, tout en répondant à la question suivante : Do you think that it is the duty of artists to get involved in politics or humanitarian activities ?

Vous pensez que c'est le devoir d'artistes pour être impliqué dans la politique ou des activités humanitaires

J'aurais besoin d'idée :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je compte évoquer l'exemple de Barack Obama car beaucoup de chanteurs et de personnes connus l'ont aidés, ce qui lui a donné une bonne image.

En contre exemple, Tom Cruise par rapport à la secte, car les sectes sont mal vues & les gens ont tendance à se laisser influencer en voulant faire ce que font leurs idoles.

Pour les activités humanitaires, il a George Clooney en bon exemple, car il fait du caritatif & il n'en parle pas beaucoup. & en contre exemple, Angelina Jolie, qui le fait pour être vu en train de prendre un bébé dans les bras par exemple.

Besoin de votre avis & d'idée supplémentaire

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 12 févr. 2011
Je suis totalement d'accord avec toi mais tu pourrais aussi citer l'exemple d'Angelina Jolie qui elle fait beaucoup d'aides humanitaires, elle à même adoptait des enfants issus de pays pauvres.
Bonne chance pour la suite
Posté le 12 févr. 2011
The whole city is used as public latrines as local men are visibly seen releasing themselves shamelessly at every turn of the street, sometimes even right in the middle of a crowd. So, one can only imagine the rancid ammoniac scent of urine emanating the air in many parts of the city. Public littering is another vice to be reckoned with as many private property compounds are used as dumping grounds, with the exception of certain affluent diplomatic residences.

The sound of Addis Ababa stirs as early as four in the morning as devout Orthodox Christians congregate faithfully in churches all over the city. Faint but not inaudible chanting of prayers can be heard from miles away. For those living in Muslim quarters, the soothing voice of the local muezzin singing the azan, calling all believers to fadjr prayer, slowly breaks the silence of dawn.

For those who are still in bed by seven, shouts from street peddlers selling basic household items such as broom sticks, brushes and other basic household knick-knacks are sure to induce a couple of disgruntled curses, often spoiling the start of one’s morning before that hot aromatic cup of Harari coffee.

Ethiopians do like their fair share of loud music with radios belting local pop songs by Ephrem Tamiru and Teddy Afro, African-American hip-hop, reggae and rhythm and blues from grocery kiosks, coffee bars, cars and taxis. If it is not the loud music, a full blown orchestra played by hundreds of Sesame Street Honkers poltergeists along Bole Road, often referred to as the Champs Elysees Avenue of Ethiopia, receives standing ovations every single day.

Despite its fairly religious society, young urbanites are relatively open about their sexuality. The city hosts several nightclubs known for its seedy sex industry frequented by many foreigners. As a woman, I never cease to be amused by the indiscretion of local men giving persistent glances and flirtatious signals everywhere I go. Local women apparently extend the same courtesy to members of the opposite sex although in a slightly more subtle way.

In the beginning, I took it as a form of flattery which eventually turned into a liability as it became more difficult for me to enjoy my cup of coffee without feeling that I was being mentally stripped. However, with the right amount of distance and ignorance, most men often left me alone as soon as they ascertained my level of indifference.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, I found many women in Addis Ababa showing complete apathy and sometimes even hostility towards me for reasons which remain a mystery at large.

Desperate housewife

After several failed attempts to find a job in Ethiopia, I found myself falling slowly into a rut as I struggled to adjust to a new lifestyle. I began to spend a lot of time on my own as I could not find anything in common with other women whom I have met along the way. After working in challenging contexts in Timor Leste and Afghanistan, I was soon consumed with boredom, demotivation and above all, gradual deterioration of my own self esteem as I attended to daily chores of a more domestic nature.

In order to combat my boredom, I volunteered for the Ethiopian Red Cross although it lasted for five months only. As a volunteer, I was not satisfied with just the sense of altruism it created. I wanted to have a bigger role, to be part of the decision-making process, something which I was often used to while working for the United Nations in Timor Leste and Afghanistan.

The recent regular power cut imposed by the local authority in its feeble attempt to save energy three times a week in the city has further aggravated my irritation.

I tried to occupy my time by learning French, writing and improving my cooking skill, much to my husband’s dismay due to the often unpalatable results. I would sometimes go to nearby cafes to enjoy brunch with my beloved cup of strong black coffee while reading a book but most visits tend to end up with harrowing experiences of finding strands of coarse and curly human hair staring rudely at me from my food. All these perfunctory activities made me felt empty and completely dispirited.

In conclusion, I developed a progressive dislike towards Ethiopia, fed mostly by my own injured spirit. I thought that for the first time in my life, I would leave a country filled with a lot of bitterness and worst of all, with nothing to gain at a personal level.

Posté le 12 févr. 2011
salut je crois que tu n'as pas besoin d'aide car c'est trop facile d'écrire sur ton propre histoire la première fois que tu as écris dans cette agenda et comment tu la trouve et dire la cause de cet amour(offert par quelqu'un de tres fidèle..) et crois moi çà sera tres facile et tu sentiras que tu aime cette agenda plus et bonne suit
Posté le 14 févr. 2011
Salut kookita :)
Je crois que tu t'es trompé :$

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