Pros and Cons - Pour et contre - Mariage Royal

Publié le 30 mai 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 juin 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous, je dois pour un exposé d'anglais à l'écrit, établir une liste des "pour" et des "contre" du mariage Royal du prince William avec Kate.
Je dois ensuite en une ou deux phrase expliquer chaque idée. (en gros, je met une argument pour je dois justifier).

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai déjà trouvé quelques arguements mais je n'arrive pas à expliquer ... J'ai vraiment besoin d'aide ...
Voilà mes idées de pour :
Image : It's good for image because (I don't know)
United : ...
Bank Holiday
Tourism :

Contre :
Telivision (qui a été saturée)

J'espère que vous m'aiderez, merci beaucoup.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 mai 2011
The royal wedding was a good thing for the UK economics. *
Many tourists came to London to attend the wedding. They spent money and bought souvenirs. So this was good for tourism.
It was also very profitable for the the TV channels. They broadcast the event and made a lot of money thanks to the commercials and sponsors.
It is also good for people. The world has been hit by an economic crisis and people have been facing many problems (jobs..). So a royal wedding is like a fairy tale and they can escape their daily routine and live a dream for a day.
It is also good for a worker because he or she was entitled to a bank holiday. She or he could have a day off.
This was also a very good deal for the fashion industry. They could make special clothes for this event. It has boosted their sales.

This is not a good thing for the UK taxpayer because this wedding cost a lot of money (facilities, catering, security).
Some people do not care about the Queen and her family. They think they are a burden for the citizens because they cost a lot of money in different taxes.
Some people will argue that this wedding was not a good thing for people who were poor and would never be able to afford such a wedding. They think that the money should have invested in charity organizations fighting for poverty, hunger...


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