Quelqu'un aurait t'il le courage de lire une de mes rédactions en anglais ?

Publié le 24 juil. 2015 il y a 8A par abdou.d - Fin › 3 août 2015 dans 8A
18.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Bon, je pense que l'essentiel est dans le titre... Après je sais que cette rédaction est assez longue (2135 mots) mais je souligne bien le fait que je n'en demande pas une correction mais juste des appréciations. Merci d'avance au courageux ou à la courageuse qui me lira, et sur ceux bonne lecture ^^! Cordialement Abigaïl.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I was coming back home after a long hard day of work but that night there was something unusual. Indeed in all the streets in which I passed there wasn’t anyone. It was really strange and at a moment I even believed that I might be the last human on earth! But happily when I entered in my flat I realized that it wasn’t the case. I was soo pleased to meet someone that I first didn’t notice that he lost a paper and when I did it was too late, he had already left the apartment. I looked at the paper to see if it was something important or not, but like all the events which had happened since the beginning of the evening it was very curious… There were only numbers and figures on it! But I was too tired to think at that now and I decided to put this surprising message in my pocket. But you know, things never turn out like they should thus while I was about to open the door of my home I heard a scream which seemed to come from my neighbor’s house. Immediately after that, I did what everyone would have done; I rushed outside towards her house. The door was closed so it forced me to smash it down but what was my horror when I saw in the living-room the woman who screamed few minutes ago. That was probably the worst thing I had ever seen in my life, she was laying on the floor her body covered with blood. I didn’t think and put my hands on the wound she had at the level of her rips. I tried my best to save her but unfortunately I didn’t success… I stayed there looking at the dead woman without knowing what to do. Obviously, I hadn’t been the only one to hear her scream, so I wasn’t very surprised to see, not many time after, other neighbors coming too. But they weren’t alone, with them there were also two policemen and without understanding why, all of us were pointing at me like if I was guilty of the murder. Me I knew that I had never done nothing at all except tried to help her but how could I explain that to them? How could I explain them why I had blood on me? I didn’t know and the policemen didn’t let me the time to think, they pointed their guns on me and were about to shoot when I threw myself out of the window! I knew that escape wasn’t the best solution but if I didn’t do I would have probably been dead. I was someone clever and shook off two policemen wouldn’t be really difficult for me but the problem that I would have to face now was that I couldn’t stay in town… I needed a car but again I had another problem; I couldn’t use mine, I had to “borrow” one to someone. Strangely even if I had never “borrowed” any cars before, I did without a lot of difficulties. Then, I drove a big part of the night thus I arrived in a small village in which no one could know either who I was or what had happened, at least for the moment. In this place where I could be a bit quiet, I decided to sleep to be sure of having enough energy for the work I would have to do. Indeed this would be probably the hardest thing I have never done; I would have to solve this mystery by myself without attracting the attention of the police.

I woke up early in the morning but I didn’t try to sleep more because I knew that it would be impossible for me due to the number of nightmares I did during the night. Indeed, I spent all the night having bad dreams. And now, I wasn’t enough brave to close my eyes again and faced them… I wasn’t sufficiently courageous to see another time the body of this woman… But to take my mind off these things for a while, I decided to go to a bar. I arrived at one quietly and when I entered in it I remarked that everybody looked friendly, it was good and it changed of the people I saw the day before! I sat at the counter and immediately after a waitress came to me with a beautiful smile. Then, I asked her if it was possible to have a breakfast and the news, at that she didn’t reply a single word but came back few minutes after with a big plate and the newspaper of the day. I thanked her and began to eat while reading but what I found on one of the page terrified me… But at least it had some positive effects; first it taught me things about the event which had occurred and secondly, it made me understood that no matter where I would go, I would be followed by this murder until I discovered who had committed it… Soon after I paid the waitress and left the bar.

I stayed in the car for a long time trying to solve some of the mysteries that had around this investigation. For doing so, I first listed all the elements which could help me and I remember that at the beginning, it was the exits of the house which attracted the most my intention… Indeed, when I came to Mrs.Poklonskaya’s house I needed to smash the door down because it was closed but not any old way… It was locked from inside… Also I had memories of the moment during which I fled the police and I clearly recalled that when I threw myself out of a window I broke that one because again it wasn’t open… But what I didn’t find was how the killer had done for leaving the house… But suddenly I understood how he did and the solution was soo easy, I couldn’t imagine that I didn’t think to it before! For escape the murder must have simply opened the door with the keys and slammed it before ran away! But then other things came back to me, the fact that that night I hadn’t seen anyone in the neighborhood except the man in my apartment’s hall and that the first people who came at the crime scene after me, took at least fifteen minutes to arrive whereas I needed just five to go there… These information now made me suspected the man I saw in my flat and aroused my curiosity about the piece of paper which felt of his pocket. I looked at it again and tried many kind of coding before realized that the writer of the message had used the Gematria… I translated it thus I could read that: Nicoles Kumasaki, your next mission will be really easy. You will have to kill the target; Natalya Poklonskaya. So, there were no doubts to have; the killer was this mysterious Mr.Kumasaki but the next question I would have to answer would be that one; what would I have to do now that I knew the murder’s name?

I started the afternoon by returning to the bar I went to earlier during the day and again I sat at the counter and asked the waitress some food. Then, after had my meal, I searched what to do with the name I found but it was a harder work than I had expected… Indeed I couldn’t neither give the information I discovered to the police because they wouldn’t believe me nor go to Mr.Kumasaki’s house and ask him some precisions about his occupations because I didn’t have any ideas of where he lived. So, I stayed there not knowing what would happen next until I heard the waitress mentioned something extremely interesting in a conversation with another customer. A second I thought that I had been dreaming but when I asked her to repeat I understood that it was real and that it would be probably the only chance I would get to end with that misadventure! What I learnt from her was that tonight, in the village, there would be a big party at which everyone would come. So, to say it in other words that meant that this evening, there wouldn’t be anyone at the police headquarters and that I would be able to go there for making… some researches about Mr.Kumasaki on their computers… Then I decided to leave the bar and to go directly to the station house for being sure of not missing the moment during which the policemen would vacate the premises.

I waited impatiently that the police station closed its doors to the public and that the officers went to the merrymakings for leaving my car and entered into it by a window “badly closed”… -More seriously this ability of lock-picking was very disturbing but made me realized that if I were a thief I would be probably one of the best that had ever lived, haha!- But suddenly when I got inside my heart began to beat faster and I couldn’t stop shivering! But it was probably because at this instant, I remarked that after searching a criminal all the day I became one in my turn! That made me halted for a while; the time to calm down but then, I did what I had to do as soon as possible. So I head towards a desk and used the government’s database to discover where Mr.Kumasaki lived. And actually it wasn’t too far from here but in Mississippi, more exactly at 107 East Cherry Street in Ackerman.

I drove almost all the night but finally I arrived at his house and thanks to my “power” I came into it. But this time I didn’t fell guilty of penetrating inside of a building without any authorizations for doing so… But that must be because now it was the dwelling of a killer and not a police station! But all of a sudden something occurred that I neither expected nor thought about… Mr.Kumasaki was there, just behind me with a shotgun in his left hand. But the worst with that was indisputably when he shot on the wall to threaten me… But notwithstanding my fear I was still able to use my brain properly; indeed I remembered that the kind of shotgun he was holding could only contain two bullets and that he had already used one of them… Consequently I needed just to make him shoot one more time to be saved! To success at that I tried the provocation by telling him that he wouldn’t have the capacity of killing an innocent and that worked because he shot on the ceiling to prove me I was wrong! Just after I took my chance and hit him thus he fainted. But now that he was unconscious, I perfectly knew what was going on, the police would come here and they would probably accuse me… But this time it would be possible for me to show them evidences of my non-implication in the murder of Mrs.Poklonskaya if I found something in the house which would be able to demonstrate the culpability of Mr.Kumasaki…  So, I was searching an object as the gloves he could have been wearing that night for not having blood on him when I saw exactly what I was looking for… The knife which had been used for killing her! Then after that, I waited the police with my hands up and a beautiful smile, the smile… Of victory!

I was remanded in custody all the morning, the time that the policemen checked out all the things I told them and when they finally did they were very surprised and disconsolate about what had occurred! They apologized for having tried to kill me and thanked me for what I had done. After, they told me that now they would try to find who had hired Mr.Kumasaki and why this person wanted the chief prosecutor of Crimea to die. But they also offered me something, the opportunity of working with them as a secret agent who would have to masquerade as a thief… Such a perfect job for me! But I wasn’t sure that I would accept because after what I lived, I wasn’t certain that I would have the strength of doing that for the rest of my life! But what I could swear was that if I become a spy I would write everything which would happen to me, so maybe that I’ll see you soon dearest pen!

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 juil. 2015

salut ! je vais te dire la verite j'ai lut que "DAY 1: EVENING"   et je l'ai trouver formidable et je vais continuer les autre 

Posté le 31 juil. 2015

Merci, mais pourriez vous développer quelque peu s'il vous plait, je veux dire, expliquez quelles éléments sont bien/ne le sont pas ?

Ils ont besoin d'aide !

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