Réaliser un e-mail défendant une association de notre création ( ici sauver les pandas)

Publié le 17 févr. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 févr. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Réaliser un e-mail défendant une association .
Merci d'avance.
Réaliser un e-mail défendant une association .
Merci d'avance.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


Everyone needs to do his part, to rescue animals endangered to keep the earth beautiful and take care of it for years to come.

Our association Sauver the pandas fights against the disappearance of the animal species, mainly the pandas.

The pandas make more and more rare.

Danger n°1:
For the panda, the first danger is the destruction of its environment of life. The men bring down forests to have some wood, to make for it of the farming,and to collect healing plants there is thus less and less bamboo.

Danger n°2:
The poaching: The huge pandas killed for their magnificent coat either die in traps which were placed to catch the other animals.
Result: there are no more than 1000 pandas of China in the world.

Danger n°3:
The activities of development as the construction of roads, the hydroelectric development and the mining activities.

Danger n°4:
The pollution, the global warming, the wastings also are to be taken into account

As we can notice it, there are several threats for these magnificent animals.

Several solutions exist to protect the pandas:
-The first work of ground consists in studying the ecology and the behavior of the wild pandas.
-The creation of new nature reserves.
-Patrols to fight against the poaching and the illegal forestry development.
-The pursuit of the searches and the surveillance
-Propose to the local peoples of the long-lasting alternative solutions

It is important to act as quickly as possible then help join us and our association save the pandas

10 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 févr. 2011
il est fait en quoi veut tu qu'on t'aide?

Posté le 17 févr. 2011
''It is important to act as quickly as possible then help join us and our association save the pandas'' = It is important to act as quickly as possible to save Pandas, consequently we need your help thus join us and our association..
Posté le 18 févr. 2011
Beh, j'aimerais savoir si il y a pas d'erreur syntaxique et savoir si c'est cohérent et compréhensible
Posté le 18 févr. 2011
Merci :) !! Sinon pour le reste c'est bon ?
Posté le 18 févr. 2011
de rien ; Everyone needs to do his part, to rescue animals endangered to keep the earth beautiful and take care of it for years to come. = Everyone has to do his part,to rescue animals endangered so as to keep the earth beautiful and take care of it for years to come

je pense que c'est tout..
Posté le 19 févr. 2011
a ok
Posté le 19 févr. 2011
ranoo t'as bien corriger pour moi c'est ok
Posté le 19 févr. 2011
Ok d'accord !! Merci beaucoup quand même :)
Posté le 19 févr. 2011
Merci de votre aide :)
Posté le 19 févr. 2011
de rien :)

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