recherche une personne bilingue anglais

Publié le 29 avr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 2 mai 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

faut traduire ce texte en anglais j'ai deja fait une traduction. j'ai comparé plusieurs traducteurs tu vois mais je sais pas si c'est bien fait. je voudrai que tu m'aides a faire une traduction efficace si t'e plait, en plus sa fait des siecles que personnes ne vouent maider.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Cendrillon perdu son père pendant sa jeunesse - la plus part des auteurs de contes pour enfants vous mentent et 

vous diront sûrement le contraire, cependant, moi j'ai vécu en sa présence depuis toute petite. - sa mere a décidé de se
remarier avec un homme qui était mon père. Mon paternel demeure obèse, non chaland et laid. Il ne
manquait pas de verrues, pleins les ongles de pied... c'est pour dire ! Ce qui a traumatisé Cendrillon c'est littéralement
le fait que ma soeur sent des dessous de bras - une odeur irrespirable, vous voyez ? - et par conséquent, ne pouvait se
mettre en robe ou autre vêtement laissant apercevoir ses aisselles. De plus, Cendrillon a pris la décision de fuguer tous
les soirs afin de ne pas être envahie par ma propre soeur car celles-ci partageaient la même chambre : punition de Cendrillon
selon mon père.
Un jour, nous avons pris connaissance de la lettre d'une certaine boom dans le fameux château organisée par le Prince... oui,
il s'agit bien du Prince !
Toutes les filles étaient conviées. Le prince était un homme courageux, beau, gentil... il avait tout pour plaire. Cendrillon,
qui rêvait du Prince charmant, voulue de suite se présenter à la fameuse fête et était la première sur les lieux.
Cependant, mon père ne voulait pas la laisser y aller et souhaitait qu'elle lui fasse un massage. Ma soeur appela dans les secondes
qui suivent marraine la bonne fée qui lui résolu son problème de bras pour seulement une soirée L'a rendi magnifique
cendrillon et ma soeur tombèrent toutes deux sous le charme du prince - mettez-vous à leurs places, n'est-ce pas les filles ? - cette
querelle amoureuseprend une autre tournure. Elles se disputèrent puis ma soeur, décida de tuer Cendrillon. Alors qu'au final, le prince
ne faisait que de m'observer depuis le début du bal est était en réalité amoureux de moi. Ma soeur finit en prison.
Nous nous marions et eurent beaucoup d'enfants. 

moral je sais pas propose mdrr mercii beaucoupp toi qui m'a lu ou qui va m'aider lol  

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 avr. 2015

Écris ton texte en anglais, quelqu'un viendra peut-être te corriger. Mais il n'est pas possible qu'on te fasse ton travail en entier, ce n'est pas l'objectif du forum.

Posté le 29 avr. 2015

I present myself,I am one of sister-in law of cendrillon, anastasia.It's true that I have a strong corpulence and
am vile (ou bien)finds me disgusting,
but it turns out that I am not obnoxious nor there nasty, far from it.I am going to make for you an announcement very surprising.
Indeed, Cendrillon was not a
young girl are friendly helpful (ou bien) helpful girl not there respectful,
but I admit, she was a very beautiful girl. My sister and i , (we) were jealous of her beauty. I am going to tell you how she started to be
very aggressive.Cendrillon has lost his father during his youth. Most of authors of children's stories,are lying to you and and certainly they
will tell you the otherwise.however, I lived
in his presence since her childhood. her mother decided to remarry with a man who is my father. My old man, is obese, lazy and ugly.He Was not
lacking of warts, on her toenails of foot. (c'est pour dire!) ( je s'ais pas dire cette expression en anglais) the thing who has traumatized Cendrillon is literally that my sister feels from underarm.
- an unbreathable smell. you know? and accordingly could not put itself in dress or other clothing showing her armpits.Moreover, Cendrillon made the
decision to run away every evening so as not to be invaded by my own sister because they shared the same chamber.Cendrillon punishment according to my
father.we learned that prince organized a boum in the famous castle. yes the prince!
All the girls were invited. The prince is a brave and beautiful man.
the prince was nice-looking. he has everything to please.
Cendrillon, who dreamed of Prince,desired to appear on the famous festival and was the first on the scene.However, my father he wanted her to do it a
massage to his disgusting feet.
My sister called up in the seconds which follow godmother the good fairy who solved her problem of arm for only an evening,
she turned her into à beautiful girl (before processing, she was ugly)
This one and my sister fall in love at the first sign with the you put in their places,is not it girls?this quarrel amoureuse prend another turn. They quarrelled and then my sister,decided to kill Cinderella with a gun. So in the end, the prince was only to observe me from the beginning of the boum, he was indeed in love with my.My sister ends in jail.
We get married and had many children.
girls, no need to look like angelina Jolie for found bratt pitt,

Posté le 29 avr. 2015

Oui il a raison Gamy essaye de l'écrire en anglais et je viendrais te le voir.

Posté le 29 avr. 2015

je l'avais deja traduit en anglais pensant que personne ne voudrai me le corriger je l'ai poster en francais pour avoir une traduction 

voici mon travail: 

I present myself,I am one of sister-in law of cendrillon, anastasia.It's true that I have a strong corpulence and
am vile (ou bien)finds me disgusting,
but it turns out that I am not obnoxious nor there nasty, far from it.I am going to make for you an announcement very surprising.
Indeed, Cendrillon was not a
young girl are friendly helpful (ou bien) helpful girl not there respectful,
but I admit, she was a very beautiful girl. My sister and i , (we) were jealous of her beauty. I am going to tell you how she started to be
very aggressive.Cendrillon has lost his father during his youth. Most of authors of children's stories,are lying to you and and certainly they
will tell you the otherwise.however, I lived
in his presence since her childhood. her mother decided to remarry with a man who is my father. My old man, is obese, lazy and ugly.He Was not
lacking of warts, on her toenails of foot. (c'est pour dire!) ( je s'ais pas dire cette expression en anglais) the thing who has traumatized Cendrillon is literally that my sister feels from underarm.
- an unbreathable smell. you know? and accordingly could not put itself in dress or other clothing showing her armpits.Moreover, Cendrillon made the
decision to run away every evening so as not to be invaded by my own sister because they shared the same chamber.Cendrillon punishment according to my
father.we learned that prince organized a boum in the famous castle. yes the prince!
All the girls were invited. The prince is a brave and beautiful man.
the prince was nice-looking. he has everything to please.
Cendrillon, who dreamed of Prince,desired to appear on the famous festival and was the first on the scene.However, my father he wanted her to do it a
massage to his disgusting feet.
My sister called up in the seconds which follow godmother the good fairy who solved her problem of arm for only an evening,
she turned her into à beautiful girl (before processing, she was ugly)
This one and my sister fall in love at the first sign with the you put in their places,is not it girls?this quarrel amoureuse prend another turn. They quarrelled and then my sister,decided to kill Cinderella with a gun. So in the end, the prince was only to observe me from the beginning of the boum, he was indeed in love with my.My sister ends in jail.
We get married and had many children.
girls, no need to look like angelina Jolie for found bratt pitt,


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