rédaction sur une cause à defendre

Publié le 27 nov. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 29 nov. 2011 dans 12A
11.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Je dois faire une rédaction demain pour mon contrôle sur une cause à défendre comme par exemple le travail des enfants dans les pays d’Afrique il faut que je fasse cette rédaction en environ 200 mots et il faut que j'emploie les auxiliaires modaux ect...

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Revoir les modaux et le vocabulaire de la séquence mais le plus dur c'est de savoir quoi dire ... merci de votre aide

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 nov. 2011
Comment peut-on t'aider sachant qu'on a pas la séquence. Il y a certainement du vocabulaire qu'il faut privilégier

Child labour is unacceptable! In Africa, there are many children who must work to provide food to their family. They must do it if they want their family to survive. More often than not, they are sold by their relatives to merchant or rich families. They can't escape and have to accept to work for them. Most of the time, the work they must do is very difficult and exhausting. They must carry very heavy boxes, packages for manufacturers. In some cases, they work in farms and they have to take care of the cattle or to plow the land. In my opinion, children must not work and should go to school to learn new skills and knowledge because children are the future of a country. Children should be protected by their families and the government of their country. Some organizations like UNICEF has advocated for the children's rights all over the worlds. A lot of progress has been made in this respect. But this is not enough! We must act against child labour to eradicate. We must enfore laws against child exploitation.
Tu as environ 180 mots. Cela pourra t'aider un peu.

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