Simple Vérification

Publié le 14 févr. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 févr. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois écrire un texte en anglais. La question est : Do you think that it is the duty of artists to get involved in politics or humanitarian activities ?

Vous pensez que c'est le devoir d'artistes pour être impliqué dans la politique ou des activités humanitaires.

Ce n'est que le début ..

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

In the first place, the artists are as us. They are first of all women and men. They thus have their own opinions. They feel feelings such as the love, the pity … They do not show him but they are also affected.

The duty of an artist is not to get involved in the politics, for me. Each of us should have his personal opinion. While showing their opinions, the artists, the singers or the others influence people. I find that it is a bad thing. They use badly their notoriety . The singers should remained in their places. I take a concrete example, Eric Zemmour is a french writer thus it is an artist. He was often criticized. Furthermore, a large number of French does not like Eric Zemmour, in particular because of his way of thionine, political level.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 14 févr. 2011
c'est un bon paragraphe argumenté

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