Texte en anglais : exercice de compréhension

Publié le 30 déc. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 déc. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Je voudrais simplement qu'on m'aide a comprendre ou traduire le texte car je n'y comprend vraiment rien.J'aimerai aussi qu'on m'aide a répondre au 3 premières questions.

"I grew up slowly beside the tides and marshes of Colleton; my arms were tawny and strong from working long days on the shrimp boat in the blazing South Carolina heat. Because I was a Wingo, I worked as soon as I could walk; I could pick a blue crab dean when I was five. I had killed my first deer by the age of seven, and at nine was regularly putting meat on my family's table. I was born and raised on a Carolina sea island and I carried the sunshine of the low-country, inked in dark gold, on my back and shoulders. As a boy I was happy above the channels, navigating a small boat between the sandbars with their quiet nation of oysters exposed on the brown flats at the low watermark. I knew every shrimper by name, and they knew me and sounded their horns when they passed me fishing in the river.

When I was ten I killed a bald eagle for pleasure, for the singularity of the act, despite the divine, exhilarating beauty of its solitary flight over schools of whiting"

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je n'ai rien fait pour l'instant à part chercher a comprendre. J'aimerai seulement qu'on m'aide a répondre au 3 premières questions car grâce a elles et a la compréhension du texte je pourrais me débrouiller tous seul.

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