vancance au preterit

Publié le 4 déc. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 11 déc. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

raconter au préterit nos vacances et nos experiences rencontré

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

during holidays, I went to los angeles to see the weast coast ... et je n'ai pas d'idée aider moi SVP!

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 4 déc. 2011
Last summer I went to Los Angeles, in California. Los Angeles was a beautiful city. The weather was great but it was too humid for me. I was thirsty all the time. We visited Beverly Hills but did not see any famous stars. They all were hidden! We did some shopping because my friends wanted me to bring back some souvenirs from California. The food was not that great. We ate many hamburgers and fries. During our trip, we met many American tourists who were from the East Coast. They liked Los Angeles a lot but preferred New York. Californians were in good shape. They took good care of themselves. They ate a lot of organic food and exercised a lot. They all had a nice tan and seemed to enjoy life in LA. They were not overweight at all. After a few days in LA, we visited San Jose. It was also very nice and was not as crowded as Los Angeles.

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