active et passive

Publié le 9 mai 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 31 mai 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

La première partie, c'est transformé les phrases passives en actives et la dexième partie, c'est transformé les phrases actives en phrases passives.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Bonjour à tous pouvez-vous m'aider à me corriger, sil vous plaît.

I.Transform into active sentences
1.A hiker was attacked by a bear last year.-A bear last year attacked a hiker.
2.Dangerous bears must shot by the rangers.-The rangers must shoot by dangerous bears .
3.The food is kept in a locker by the campers.-The campers in a locker bythe food keeps.
4.These binoculars have been broken by Martin.-Martinhave broke these binoculars.
5.During the hike, Mary was bitten by a snake.-During the hike, a snake bit Mary.

II.Transform into passive sentences
1.Somebody told me to be careful.-Careful was told me to be . 2.Somebody used to feed bears.-Bears used to be fed .
3.The ranger will kill bear .-Bear will be killed by the ranger.
4.the windows closed must keep by you.-You must be kept the windows closed.
5. Martin's sunglasses has broken.-Martin's sunglasses has been broken.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 9 mai 2010
1. A bear attacked a hiker last night. (Complément toujours à la fin)
2. Exact
3. The campers keeps the food in a locker last night.
4. Exact
5. Exact

1. Exact.
2. Bears used to to be fed by somebody. (Tu as oublié somebody)
3. Exact
4. Exact
5. Exact

Je précise que je ne suis pas sûre des "exact" du second exercice.
J'espère t'avoir aidé ! ;)
Posté le 10 mai 2010

1) a bear attacked a hiker last year.
2) the rangers must shoot dangerous bears (il faut enlever "by")
3) the campers keep the food in a locker (syntaxe!)
4) broken
5) ok

1) le cod est me!
I was told to be careful (by somebody).

2) ok
3) ok
4) la phrase 1 n'a aucun sens!
5) ok

la syntaxe des phrases actives est à revoir.

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