Anglais ....

Publié le 14 avr. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 avr. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Traduire les phrases :

a)Si je vois John, je dirais que tu le cherches
b)Si je gagnais 1 million de dollars, j'acheterais un yacht
c)Si j'étais allé à la fete j'aurais rencontré Jane

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

9 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 14 avr. 2011
a)If I see John, I would say that you seek
b)If I won 1 million dollars, I would buy a yacht
c)If I went to the party I met Jane
Posté le 14 avr. 2011
a)If I see John, I him would say that you seek it.
b)if I won 1 million dollars, I would buy a yacht.
Posté le 14 avr. 2011
Okk merci ^^
Posté le 14 avr. 2011
1-if I see John I will tell him you are looking for him

3- If I had been at the party I would have met Jane
Posté le 14 avr. 2011
a) if i see john, i would tell him that you are looking for him
b) if i won one million dollars, i would buy a yatch
c) if i had been to the party i would have met jane
Posté le 14 avr. 2011
a) if i see john, i would tell him that you are looking for him
b) if i won one million dollars, i would buy a yatch
c) if i had been to the party i would have met jane
Posté le 14 avr. 2011
If I see John, I will tell him that you are looking for him
If I won 1 million of dollars, I would buy a yacht
If I had gone to the party, I would have met Jane.

Attention, la première phrase que tu as indiquée est incorrecte en français, si je vois john, je dirai que tu le cherches.
Posté le 16 avr. 2011
1 er phrase egale : IF I see john I would say that you seek
2 eme phrase egale : If I won $1 MILLION dollars , I would but a yacht
3eme phrase egale : If I went to the party I met Jane

voila tout simplement
Posté le 16 avr. 2011
Pour la phrase incorrect en français c'est le prof qui nous la dictée ^^

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