anglais devoir 11 cned 2me je suis bloker au mission 1 aider moi svp :(

Publié le 16 mai 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 mai 2011 dans 12A
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Sujet du devoir

1- you click on it

2- well done! you have travelled through time for the fourth timw! what century are you visiting? who are you going to meet ? what objects are you going to bring back to the present? ( quel siecle visites-tu? qui va-tu rencontrer/ quels objets vas-tu rapporter ? )

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1- you click on it

2- well done! you have travelled through time for the fourth timw! what century are you visiting? who are you going to meet ? what objects are you going to bring back to the present? ( quel siecle visites-tu? qui va-tu rencontrer/ quels objets vas-tu rapporter ? )

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 16 mai 2011
Mission 1.

It may be the sound of a quill pen. The mysterious celebrity may be writing.

Mission 11 partie 2

The language sounds like a play
What words can you hear?
To be or not to be that's the question

Récapitule ce que tu sais

He may be a writer. He may write plays. In one of his plays you can hear the line "to be or not to be"

Mission 3

I suppose the mysterious celebrity may be Shakespeare because he was born in Stratford upon Avon in April 1564 like the mysterious celebrity and also because he wrote many sonnets and plays such as Hamlet...

Mission 4

Tu choisis le livre et le squelette

Le livre car Shakespeare est un écrivain
le squelette à cause d'Hamlett

I choose the book because
Shakespeare was a poet and wrote many plays and sonnets.

I then choose the skull because hamlett held a skull in his hands and said "to be or not to be that is the question".


Age and place of the birth : April 1564 in Stratford upon Avon

Family : married to Ann, 3 children

Age at the time : 44 years old

interview in 1608

Occupation : he is an English poet and playwright

Important : He writes poems, plays, sonnets.

Famous :
famous for Hamlet and the line "to be or not to be"

Posté le 16 mai 2011
oui sa c ok mais la premiere question dit sa ;( quel siecle visites-tu? qui va-tu rencontrer/ quels objets vas-tu rapporter ? )
Posté le 16 mai 2011
The 17th century
I am going to meet Shakespeare, a famous English poet and playwright.
I will bring back a skull and a book, and a quill pen
Posté le 16 mai 2011
merci miren 75, esque tu peu stp bien umeroter les chiffres de lotre devoir que j'ai mit stp, je compren pas tros

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