anglais devoir 11 cned 3eme, adier moi svp :(

Publié le 16 mai 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 mai 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Numberte differente paragraphs of the biography of the person you have just met.(Numerote les diffrents paragraphes de la biographie de la personne que tu viens de rencontrer)

A) At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway,who bore him three children:Susanna,and twins hamnet and Judith.
B) In 1623 two of his former theatrical colleagues published the first audio,a collected edition of his dramtics works tha included all but two of his plays.
C) Next,he wrote mainly tragedies unteil about 1608,including Hamlet,king lear,romeo and juliet and macbeth, considered some of the finest exemples in the english language.
D)He was born un april 1564 in stratford-upon-avon
E)Between 1585 and 1592 je began a successful career in london as an actor,writer,and part owner of the playing compagny the lord chmaberlain's men, later known as the king's men.
F)Finally,he wrote tragicomedies,also known as romances,and collaborated with other playwrights.
G)He appears to have retired to stratford around 1613
H)He produced most of his known work between 1590 and 1613.First jis early plays were mainly comedies and histories.
I)Where he died three years later

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

c un petit texte de William Shakespeare qu'on doit metre en ordres, aider moi svp car je reste seulemnt ce bou la a faire

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 16 mai 2011
Tu mets en 1 la phrase D'
Ensuite la phrase A
Ensuite E
Puis H
Puis C
Et B
Et G rt
Posté le 16 mai 2011
Et I
Posté le 16 mai 2011
F avant C
Posté le 16 mai 2011
merci esque tu pourai maider au ssi pour la ission 1 de anglias ?
Posté le 16 mai 2011
En fait cela donne cela :

D)He was born un april 1564 in stratford-upon-avon
A) At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway,who bore him three children:Susanna,and twins hamnet and Judith.
E)Between 1585 and 1592 je began a successful career in london as an actor,writer,and part owner of the playing compagny the lord chmaberlain's men, later known as the king's men.

H)He produced most of his known work between 1590 and 1613.First jis early plays were mainly comedies and histories.
C) Next,he wrote mainly tragedies unteil about 1608,including Hamlet,king lear,romeo and juliet and macbeth, considered some of the finest exemples in the english language.

F)Finally,he wrote tragicomedies,also known as romances,and collaborated with other playwrights.
G)He appears to have retired to stratford around 1613
I)Where he died three years later
B) In 1623 two of his former theatrical colleagues published the first audio,a collected edition of his dramtics works tha included all but two of his plays.

Posté le 16 mai 2011
Oui c'est quoi ? C'est la piste audio ? Si oui, j'ai déjà aidé un collégien à ce sujet.

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