corrige mon devoir d'anglais

Publié le 1 juin 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 juin 2015 dans 8A
19.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

bonjour j'ai un dialogue d'anglais a rendre pour demain je dois utiliser le present perfect, present perfect be-ing et preterit et enfin be-ing


voici mon dialogue je souhaite juste que vous corrigé les erreurs de gramairres et de vocabulaires merci par avance 

-         Hello Michou, how are you?

-         I’m not satisfied with you!

-         Why, I have nothing more!

-         I reproaches to you of not inviting me at the party! You’re such a looser

-         At the next time, I’ll think.

-         No, you have been my best friend in the word, and you forgot of inviting me at the party, obviously it was a good party

-         I’m so sorry, you have my best friend and that didn’t change my relation with you

-         You’re so pathetic, you aren’t honest. I have been boring me all the day. And you haven’t called me.

-         I have forgotten, and I’m not pathetic.

-         Yes you’re such a bad friend. Up to now, I have thought, you have been my friend.

-         Am I said that? No I say I am sorry

-         So at the next party, I want my invitation ok?

-         Ok it’s good, bye

-         Bye  

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

-         Hello Michou, how are you?

-         I’m not satisfied with you!

-         Why, I have nothing more!

-         I reproaches to you of not inviting me at the party! You’re such a looser

-         At the next time, I’ll think.

-         No, you have been my best friend in the word, and you forgot of inviting me at the party, obviously it was a good party

-         I’m so sorry, you have my best friend and that didn’t change my relation with you

-         You’re so pathetic, you aren’t honest. I have been boring me all the day. And you haven’t called me.

-         I have forgotten, and I’m not pathetic.

-         Yes you’re such a bad friend. Up to now, I have thought, you have been my friend.

-         Am I said that? No I say I am sorry

-         So at the next party, I want my invitation ok?

-         Ok it’s good, bye

-         Bye  

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 juin 2015

s'il vous plait 

Posté le 1 juin 2015


Je ne vois pas d'erreur majeur (je ne suis pas non plus allé chercher la petite bête) mais si c'est un dialogue, ne vous êtes vous pas concerté (en le corrigeant) avant de le poster ici?

Posté le 2 juin 2015

- i reproach you for not inviting me at the party

- next time i will think

- no you have been my best friend and you forgot to invite me in the party?? i am sure the party was enjoyable!

- i am sorry but you always are my best friend!

- you're so pathetic, you aren't honest ! i was bored all the day and you didn't even call me!!

- i forgot and i'm not pathetic

-of course you are!! you'resuch

Posté le 2 juin 2015

- of ourse you are! you're such a bad friend! up to now i thought you were my best friend

-please i am telling you i am sorry

-so at the next party i want my invitation card ok?

- okay i will remember!! bye


voila la deuxieme parti!!!!j'ai un peu changer de phrases si sa ne te derange pas

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