Corriger mon texte d'anglais

Publié le 29 avr. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 mai 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je dois écrire un texte et je voulais savoir si quelqu'un pouvait le corriger ce n'est qu'un essai et ce n'est pas pour note alors ce n'est pas de la triche !! SVP quelqu'un de bilingue peut-il le corrige?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

''On Thursday afternoons Bladana can choose between three sports:either sailing on a virtual river or running in the wood and doing a cross-country course or staying in the sports hall and playing games. Normally she plays games beause she hates sailing and she thinks running is boring. On Fridays she has a sports lesson at nine o'cock until eleven o'clock and she cannot choose which sports she wants to pratise because it's her teacher who decides what they will do. During the weekend she always goes outside with her friends or her family and according to the weather they practise different activities and sports. Bladana does a lot of sport but she has a lot of talent to sing and she plays the piano very well. Twice a week she has a singing lesson in a choir. Her brother and her sister sing with her. The choir is not in her city ,it is in the nearest city from her and she has to take a bus to go in it. The piano lessons are on Wednesdayy afternoons and the teacher comes at her home. The lesson lasts two hours: the first halbhour they do the rudiments of music and then they play the piano. And her last activity is on Friday afternoon but she hates it. It's a course to learn how to be a good animal and how they must search water and food but it is only theory so she thinks it is really boring.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 avr. 2011
''On Thursday afternoon Bladana can choose between three sports:either sailing on a virtual river or running in the wood and doing a cross-country race or staying in the sports hall and playing games. Normally she plays games beause she hates sailing and she thinks running is boring. On Fridays she has a sport lesson from nine o'cock to eleven o'clock and she cannot choose which sports she wants to pratise because it's her teacher who decides what they will do. During the weekend she always goes outside with her friends or her family and according to the weather they practise different activities and sports. Bladana does a lot of sport but she is very talentful and can sing very well
and she also plays the piano very well. Twice a week she has a singing lesson in a choir. Her brother and her sister sing with her. The choir is not in her town ,it is in the nearest town. she has to take a bus to go there. The piano lessons are on Wednesday afternoon and the teacher comes in her home. The lesson lasts two hours: the first half hour they do the rudiments of music and then they play the piano. And her last activity is on Friday afternoon but she hates it. It's a course to learn how to be a good animal and how they must search water and food but it is only theory so she thinks it is really boring.

Posté le 29 avr. 2011
Tu as un bon niveau. Continue !
Posté le 29 avr. 2011
Je ne comprens pas pourquoi tu mets que l'anglais est ton point faible car tu n'es pas mauvaise du tout !
Posté le 30 avr. 2011
Tu trouves vraiment?
Ma prof me dit que j'ai beaucoup de peine.
Mais merci quand meme

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