Décrire les 4 images suivante en anglais

Publié le 3 juin 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 juin 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je dois passer a l'oral lundi pour décrire c'est 4 image la.

Mais je ne sais pas quoi dire dessus.
Merci de m'aider

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je dois décrire c'est 4 images.


3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 juin 2011
In the first picture, the situation takes place in a class room. We can see 4 teen agers, desks and a white board. A boy is holding a pink schoolbag that he took from the girl in front of him. He is teasing this girl and is handing the bag to the black boy who is sitting behind him.
the girl seems angry because he took his schoolbag. She is arguing with the boy. The boy seems to tell her that he has done nothing wrong.
In the second picture, there are two teenagers. One is taller than the other one. One is wearing a red suit with black short pants. He seems to be a football player. The other boy is wearing a tie and seems younger. The football player has caught his tie. I think they are having an argument. The football player seems angry at the younger boy. This scene also takes place in a school. You can see in the background a lot of lockers.
Then a young girl is talking to the same people. She may ask the football player to calm down. The football player is saying that he hasn't done anything wrong. The other boy seems to be mad.
Posté le 3 juin 2011
In the third picture; there are two girls. One has back hair, the other one has reddish hair.
The black haired girl is at a party. She is dancing with a boy.
The redhaired girl is in her bed and is studying. She is reading a book. She seems very calm.
Then in the next picture, the red haired girl is mad at the black haired girl. Maybe she did not like the fact that she was not invited to the party. The black haired girl does not seem upset at all.

In the last picture, the fourth picture, there is a teen ager with a skate. He is good looking. He is holding his skate. Two boys are behind him and are talking about him. I think they are teasing him. They seem to be jealous of him because he is a stud.
In the next picture, the good looking boy is talking to them and is asking what is going wrong.
Posté le 3 juin 2011
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