Devoir 8 Anglais 3eme ORAL

Publié le 3 mai 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 15 mai 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Mission 3:
b) Here is the story board of the interview. (Voici le scénario de l’interview.)
1 ==> You introduce Mary Mac Grip to the spectators: Mary Mac Grip, at 29 years old,
you are one of the fastest persons to sail solo around the world.
2 ==> You ask question 1- Mary Mac Grip answers your question.
3 ==> You ask question 2- Mary Mac Grip answers your question.
4 ==> You ask question 3- Mary Mac Grip answers your question.
5 ==> You ask question 4- Mary Mac Grip answers your question.
6 ==> You react to her answer. You ask question 5- Mary Mac Grip answers your question.
7 ==> You ask Mary to read an extract from the Journals: could you please read an extract
from the Journals of Lewis and Clark for our spectators, Mary?
8 ==> She refuses and gives an argument. You give the counter argument you prepared
in Séance 8.
9 ==> She refuses and gives a second argument. You give the second counter-argument
you prepared in Séance 8.
10 ==> She accepts.

c) Ready, steady, go! Put on your CD and start! (Maintenant, mets ton CD et enregistre tes
questions pour jouer le rôle du journaliste.)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Mission 1 & 2:

This is the final rehearsal of your TV program. Listen to Graham. He is incarnating four famous explorers. Can you give their names?
(Tu répètes ton émission pour la dernière fois avant la présentation en direct. Écoute Graham. Il incarne quatre explorateurs célèbres. Les reconnais-tu ?)

Enregistre-tes réponses
1- .....................................................................................................................................
2- .....................................................................................................................................
3- .....................................................................................................................................
4- .....................................................................................................................................

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