Publié le 14 avr. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 avr. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour alors j'ai un devoirs d'anglais a faire mais je ne suis pas très fort en anglais donc j'ai peur de mettre des réponses fausses.

Voici le lien vers le devoir.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Alors j'ai déjà fait toute la Mission 2 (l'exercice avec la piste audio).
voila alors merci de bien vouloir m'aidé, il ne me reste plus beaucoup de temps avant de devoir envoyé les devoirs.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 14 avr. 2011

Le lien ne marche pas. J'ai essayé mais en vain.

Pourrais-tu le reposter afin que je puisse t'aider.

Posté le 14 avr. 2011
OK réponses aux questions
1. the triangle trade route
2. The Middle passage
3. birth of equano in 1745
Capture and sale of Oquaiah to a Sea captain
Oquaniah bought his freedom
Oquaniah free in England
Meet Sharp and advocate for the abolition of slavery

4. Abolishment of slavery in England in 1807
Abolishment of slavery in the Empire in 1833

5. he is talking about the slave ship
the slave ship, the ship, on the deck

6. this is a passive form
They often gave the task of acting as lookouts to older children
8 forms
Both Olaudah and his sister were roughly seized and their
mouths were stopped with dirty cloths to stop them from crying out.
After a few days they were taken to a larger African settlement and here Olaudah and his
sister were separated and sold to different families.
in Africa he was mostly treated kindly, in some cases as part of the family,
and was given fairly simple chores to do at home. In Africa slaves were respected and
their status as part of the family was valued.
Eventually he was sold to another trader
7. They were chained;
tightly packed in horrific
conditions for the journey to their new “home
And he was so ill
from the smell and the conditions in the hold
many slaves had died on the
8. No
9. yes
10 No
Posté le 15 avr. 2011
miren75 merci beaucoup, tu es un ange, sans toi je ne sais pas comment j'aurais fait encore une fois merci beaucoup heureusement qu'ils y a encore des gens comme toi.
Posté le 15 avr. 2011
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