Devoirs Anglais

Publié le 7 déc. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 9 déc. 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir




Voila Demain je dois rendre un travail en anglais qui consiste à raconter 2 souvenirs qui m'ont marquée.


J'ai donc écrit ca :


1.Three years ago, I have move of my former house. I was very sad because I had all my friends and my family not far of where I lived. But now I'm good in my new house. 




2. Two weeks ago, I was in the house of my aunt on my father side, I saw again all of my paternal family.That made approximately 5 years I don't see them. Firstly I was choqued in the good way Next I was very happy.That was very hard to leave them in the end of the night.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voila J'aimerais bien des avis sur ce que j'ai fait et quelques idées de plus pour le premier texte Mercii D'avance :)

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 déc. 2014

Essaye d'expliquer le premier jours lorsque tu est arrivé a l'ecole genre :

when I see all this face happy to see a new student I destressed ...

J'espere que sa ta aider


Posté le 7 déc. 2014

Mercii je vais changer ca :)

Posté le 7 déc. 2014

Sinon tu te debrouille bien aussi tu peut decrire la maison ou tu a demenager :

the house was so beautiful ...

ou le contraire :

it was an old house ....

Posté le 7 déc. 2014

J'ai mie And I'm going in a new school it was easy for me to integrate with the others students and now im felling good In Lyon 

Posté le 8 déc. 2014

1.Three years ago, I moved to my former house to(ICI TU DONNE LA NOUVELLE ADDRESSE)  . I was very sad because I had all my friends and my family not to far from where I lived. But now I'm good in my new house.

2. Two weeks ago, I was in my aunt houseon my father side, I saw all of my paternal family.That made approximately 5 years I don't see them. Firstly I was choqued in the good way then I was very happy to see them.That was very hard to leave them in the end of the night.


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