Dialogue sur un crime , ( mettre alibi , suspect , ... )

Publié le 7 juin 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 juin 2011 dans 12A
6.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Il fau faire un récit de 15ligne sur un crime , il fau mettre dans ce récit maximun 2 policier , 1 suspect et fair intéroger des personne pour trouvé le coupable et la date du crime et surtout la cause

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai déja trouvé kelke frase mai sa maide pa a gran chose :
Where were you when Lord Windermere was killed ?
What were you doing ? I saw Mr.... I heard ...

Slp aidé moi c pour dan 3 jour

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 juin 2011
alors j'ai fais ce type d'exercice cette année par rapport a un document!!!!
alors nous le crime était celui d'un chien(un peu enfantin mais bon!!^^)
le suspect était la "vielle dame" d'en face
elle était en train de regarder les feux de l'amour(c'était un aspect comique) quand le chien du voisin abboyer elle a voulu voir ce qui se passait et quand elle est arriveé le chien lui a sauté dessus et donc elle a employé ca fourche et....tout ca pour etre tranquille a regarder son petit feuilleton :)
elle se fait donc interroger par un policier chez elle et ensuite un autre vient la cherche pour une interrogatoire plus approfondi
maintenant a toi de voir c'est vrai que ma petite histoire n'était pas digne d'inspecteur colombo...mais...
si tu veux plus d'info dis le moi je viendrai jeté un oup d'oeil sur ton sujet
bon courage
Posté le 7 juin 2011
- Hello Mr. Johns, we are here to investigate about the murder of Lord Willermare.
- Nice to meet you!
- Where were you last night at 6.00 pm exactly?
- I was cutting some grass in my garden
- Well this is kind of late to cut your grass Mr. Johns.
- Were you alone?
- No I wasn't.. I was with my wife. She is over there and she can tell you that I was cutting the grass
- Mrs. Johns.. We are investigating Lord willmere's death. It was ruled as a murder. We were questioning your husband who told us he was cutting his grass yesterday at 6.00 pm. Is it right Mrs. Johns?
- Yes, he was. I was helping him out.
- Mrs. Johns. Some bloodstains have been found on your tablecloth. Can you tell us where those stains come from?
- Euh. I cooked a roasbeef for dinner. So the bloodstains are from the roastbeef...
- Well, the tests we have made showed that it was human blood. The same bloodtype as Lordwillmere. Can we have a look at your kitchen...
- euh... yes...
- The knife there. Did you use it to cut the grass?
- Yes we did
- It's kind of big for this use. Now we have enough evidence that you and your husband killed Lord Willmere yesterday evening. Can you tell us why you did it..
Mrs. Johns sobbing:
- We did kill him because he wanted to evict us from our house. He was the landlord of our property and he demanded a lot of money from us if we wanted to stay in his property. Unfortunately we were not able to pay as my husband were laid off two years ago. We have had many financial problems and it was very hard for her to pay the rent. Lord Willmere had harassed us for months and it was the last straw which breaks the camel's back. We had to do it.

Come with us. Under the New Jersey law you are under arrest. Please follow us.

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