discours entre l'inspecteur et un voisin

Publié le 24 nov. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 26 nov. 2015 dans 8A
19.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir j'ai un travail d'anglais à rendre demain sur une enquête policière.
pouvez-vous me corriger mes erreurs s'il y en a et me dire comment ameliorer mes phrases.
ce travail doit etre au Prétérit

INSPECTOR: Hi ! i'm inspector Marple ! i insvatigate the crime commited the last night.

NEIGHBOUR: hi! Come in ! What happened ?

INSPECTOR: someone murdered miss LESPANAYE ans her daughter Camille! did you saw or heard something?

NEIGHBOUR: No! nothing! Where the scene took place ?

INSPECTOR: Here! In this building!

NEIGHBOUR: OH MY GOD ! It's horrible!!! Really i didn't know! Believe me !

NSPECTOR: Where were you when the crime took place, at around 3 o'clock ?

NEIGHBOUR: yesterday, i was shopping with my friends, then we went to cinema and we were watching a new film at around 8 o'clock p.m. Later at about 10 o'lock p.m we were dinning whith teyre in the Grandview place, the number 17! After dinner, at 1 a.m a went in myfriend's home until 4 o'clock !

iNSPECTOR: Hummm... Okay! Did you know the victim ?

NEIGHBOUR : No, not really, because they were very discreet and i think they didn't spoke with somebody! Tey respected their privacy!

iNSPECTOR: Ok! to finish to you have a justificative?


iNSPECTOR: Ok! give me theire! thanks you so much! Called me at this number if you remember something! Good bye!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pouvez vous m'aider sur l'orthographe, grammaire...

et me dire si mes phrases sont correctes et éventuellement s'il y a besoin de faire des modifications


3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 nov. 2015

ATTENTION : Je = I (majuscule) pas i minuscule !!

Grosse erreur déjà !

Posté le 24 nov. 2015

"i insvatigate the crime commited the last night." je mettrais : I'm invetigatingon the crime commited the last night."

Je mettrais plutôt "Later at about 10 o'clock p.m we were dinning in the Grandview place, the number 17! After the dinner, at 1 a.m we went in my friend's home until 4 o'clock!" Je ne comprends ce que tu as voulu dire par "whith teyre" mais ça ne change rien si tu ne le mets pas !

Dans la phrase " to finish to you have a justificative?", je dirais que c'est "to finish do you have a justificative?"

"They respected their privacy!"

"INSPECTOR: Ok! give me there! "

"Call me at this number if you remember something!"

Voilà ! J'espère que ça va t'aider ! Je n'ai corriger que les fautes dont j'étais sûre ! Bonne chance :)

Posté le 24 nov. 2015



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