Ecrire un texte pour parler de diana

Publié le 27 mars 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 avr. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

en faite dans un livre j'ai une photo de diana et des informations et a partir de ca je dois ecrire un texte sur diana.

voila les informations que je posséde : Born: 1st July 1961 , Sandringham , England.

Wedding: 29th July 1981
Children : William ( 1982),Harry (1984)
Divorce : 1992
Death : 31st August 1997, Paris, France.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Donc voila l'exercice que je dois faire , mais en faire c'est que j'arrive plus trop a formuler de phrases en anglais :x vs pourrez m'aider svp

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 28 mars 2011
Diana was the princess of Wales. She was born on July 1st 1961.
She was married to Prince Charles and had two sons: Harry and William. She was very popular and loved by her people. She was involved in many causes like Aids, poverty in the world, etc.
In 1992 after many years of unhappiness and battling with eating disorder, she divorced from Prince Charles. She found out that Prince Charles had had an affair with another Lady named Camilia since they got married. A few months before her death she met Dodie el Fayed (pas sûr de l'orthographe), they fell in love. Doddie el Fayed's father owns the most famous department center of London called Harrods. It is equal to Galeries Lafayette.
In August 1997, while being in Paris for a short trip, Dodie and Diana died in a car accident. Until now, some people are convinced that Diana was killed by Scottland Yard because she wanted to marry Doddie El Fayed who was muslim. But it appears that their driver was driving under influence and lost control of his car.
Diana is sadly missed by her people and her sons. She changed the way people saw the royalty: less distant and close to the people.
She lived shortly but touched so many lives. That's why Elton John sang "candle in the wing" during her burial because her life was not easy and she had to face a lot of hardships.
Posté le 29 mars 2011

deux "post" inutiles pour le même devoir.

Je t'ai apporté de l'aide mais sur l'autre "post".


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