entretient d'embauche d'un pompier !! aider moi svp urgent pour demain

Publié le 19 févr. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 févr. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

entretient d'embauche d'un pompier !! aider moi svp urgent pour demain et dite moi si vous penser a des choses pour améliorer mon dialogue svp

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

P: Hello , my name is … and I am here for the job interview
D:Hello , I am the chief of the fire station could you introduce yourself .
P: So my name is … I am … years old and I would like to working in your fire station .
D: Do you ever worked in an other fire station ?
P:No never .
D:Ok and you know what is the principal qualities for a fireman ?
P: Euh it is the bravely ?
D: Yes you need a very bravely for this job !! Do you have a bravely ?
P: Yes I have !!!
D:Are you good at running fast and are you physically and mentally strong ?
P:Even if when I was children I could not look a blood but now I can I more strong .
D:I hope because You'll see blood you all day if you are take on .
P : Yes I know !
D: Good and Why I should give you this job ?
P: Because I am bravely and helpful and I am patient .
D: Therefore I read again your résumé and I will call you if you are hired
P: Ok thank you for you kindness
D: You are welcome ! Good bye
P : Good bye

7 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 19 févr. 2012
Tu fais tout les métiers ou quoi ?
Posté le 19 févr. 2012
Tu fais tout les métiers ou quoi ?
Posté le 19 févr. 2012
Tu fais tout les métiers ou quoi ?
Posté le 19 févr. 2012
je dois en faire 3 et apres elle fait par tirage au sort
Posté le 19 févr. 2012
phrase 3: pas working mais work
phrase 4: c'est "have you ever worked in..."
phrase 7:" Euh IS IT the braveRy ?"
phrase 8: " yes you need a LOT OF BRAVERY for this job" et au lieu de répeter bravery, tu dis "do you have it ?"(est ce que tu l'as ?)
phrase 11: " When I was a child I could not look at blood but now I am stronger"
phrase 12: enleve le"you" après blood et "if you are hired"
phrase 14: déplace le "I" après should ("good and why should I...")
phrase 15: because I am BRAVE, helpful and patient
phrase 16: n'oublie pas le "will" avant read.
Voila !!! bonne chance !!!
Posté le 19 févr. 2012
P: Hello , my name is … and I am applying for the position of firefighter in your firehouse
D:Hello nice to meet you! My name is and I am the colonel of the fire station. Would you please introduce yourself .
P: So my name is … I am … years old and I would like to work in your fire station .
D: Have you ever worked in a fire station ?
D:Ok and you know what are the requirements of this work?
P: Euh I think courage
D: Yes you need to be courageous!! Are you brave?
P: Yes I am.
D:Can you run fast and are you physically and mentally strong ?
P:When I was a child, I used to be scared of blood. Now I don't mind seeing blood and I am a very strong person.
D:I hope because You'll see blood all day if you are hired.
P : Yes I know !
D: Good and Why should I give you a try ?
P: Because I am courageous and helpful and I am also patient .
D: I am going to have a look at your resume and if I think you suit for the job I will call you

P: Ok thank you very much
D: You are welcome ! Good bye
P : Good bye
Posté le 20 févr. 2012
merci beaucoup

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