interrogatoire entre un suspect et un policier

Publié le 26 nov. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 déc. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Un policier doit interroger un homme qui est suspecté d'avoir braqué une banque. Il doit y avoir des : réponses courtes
des verbes introducteur au prétérit
des interruptions (l'un qui coupe la parole a l'autre)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai fait l'introduction
Mr. James has just been arrested by the police and is taken to the police for questioning (Monsieur James vient de se faire arreter par la police et est emmené au commissariat pour un interrogatoire)

Et j'ai également fais le plan
1) L'entrée dans la salle d’interrogatoire
2) Les questions de l'officier de police
3) Conclusion de l’enquête

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 nov. 2011
Mr. James has just been arrested by the police and been taken to the police station for questioning.
All began 2 hours ago, when Mr. James decided to ob a bank. But everything didn't finish as he wanted. Two policemen arrived at time when Mr. James was going to take the money.
Mr. James is now at police station in downtown. Mr. Jones, one of the tow policemen began to ask him questions.
It's that you ?
of course yes !
What the hell ! Are you kiddin' me ?
No i'm not, calm down
What were you going to do when we arrived ?
Nothing, just robbing a bank why ?
... voila j'espere t'avoir aidé et n'oublie pas que c'est au preterit ^^
Posté le 27 nov. 2011
Mr. James has just been arrested by the police and been taken to the police station for questioning.
All began 2 hours ago, when Mr. James decided to ob a bank. But everything didn't finish as he wanted. Two policemen arrived at time when Mr. James was going to take the money.
Mr. James is now at police station in downtown. Mr. Jones, one of the tow policemen began to ask him questions.
It's that you ?
of course yes !
What the hell ! Are you kiddin' me ?
No i'm not, calm down
What were you going to do when we arrived ?
Nothing, just robbing a bank why ?
... voila j'espere t'avoir aidé et n'oublie pas que c'est au preterit ^^
Posté le 30 nov. 2011
J'aimerai avoir d'autre versions svp
Posté le 30 nov. 2011
J'aimerai avoir d'autre versions svp

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