Portrait chinois

Publié le 8 oct. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 oct. 2014 dans 9A
16.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, donc je dois faire un portrait chinois pour vendredi.

J'ai déjà commencé, la seule aide que je demande c'est pour les fautes..

J'ai cherché mais puisque mon devoirs sera noté j'aimerais être sur de n'en avoir oublié aucune 

Chinese portrait :

If I was an animal, I would be a turtle because I like peace and harmony.

If I was a day, I would be Sunday because it is the day of the Lord.

If I was a film, I would be "Divergente" because it's my favorite film.

If I was a famous person, I would be Katty Petty because she's beautiful and I like her song.

If I was a color, I would be the indigo because it's my favorite color.

If I was a garment, I would be a sock because that holds warmly.

If I was a sport, I would be the tennis.

If I was a flower, I would be a cherry blossom because they are beautiful and go everywhere where the wind takes them.

If I was a song, I would be "Someone like you" because this song is good and original.

If I was a meal, I would be a quiche in the cheese because my mother makes it to me since I am a child.

If I was a book, I would be "A song of Ice and Fire" because I love this book.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Mon travail est finit j'ai juste besoin d'une correction, j'ai déjà corrigé quelques une de mes fautes mais j'ai pu en oublier

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 8 oct. 2014

Chinese portrait :

If I was an animal, I would be a turtle because I like peace and harmony.

If I was a day, I would be Sunday because it is the day of the Lord.

If I was a film, I would be "Divergente" because it's my favorite film.

If I was a famous person, I would be Katty Perry because she's beautiful and I like her songs.

If I was a color, I would be the indigo because it's my favorite color.

If I was a garment, I would be a sock because that holds warmly.

If I was a sport, I would be tennis.

If I was a flower, I would be a cherry blossom because it is beautiful and goes everywhere where the wind takes them.

If I was a song, I would be "Someone like you" because this song is good and original.

If I was a meal, I would be a quiche in the cheese because my mother makes it to me since I am a child.

If I was a book, I would be "A song of Ice and Fire" because I love this book.


Sont en gras tes fautes.

Posté le 8 oct. 2014

Merci vraiment 

Posté le 8 oct. 2014

divergent en anglais on met pas le -e même pour le film :) 

Posté le 8 oct. 2014

et c'est Perry pas Petty 

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