Production écrite

Publié le 3 janv. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 janv. 2012 dans 12A
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Sujet du devoir

Jean Paul a écrit une lettre à Aria pour lui conter sa rencontre avec le conte. Malheureusement sa lettre a été abimée et certains mots manquent.Trouve les mots qui manquent.

5 May
My dearest Aria,
Forgive my long delay in writing, but I have been simply overwhelmed with work.
I at last met with the Count today. Let me tell you about our first meeting, which
was very peculiar indeed.
When I arrived at his castle, the old man came to me and ……………… in
excellent English, but with a strange intonation: ‘Welcome to my home’. He also
……………… that I ……………… freely and leave some of the happiness
How strange! My dearest wish is to be happy for the rest of my life with you my
sweetest darling.
Concerning dinner: He……………………………… to eat and
……………… Yet, he ……………… to excuse him for ………………
He ……………… that he ……………… already ……………… dinner.
He ……………… something quite strange again concerning wine: He
……………… never ……………… wine.
And then he started to laugh in the most curious manner.
We were both silent for a while, and as I looked towards the window I saw
the first dim streak of the coming dawn. There seemed a strange stillness over
everything. But as I listened, I heard the howling of many wolves. I was so
frightened that ……………… : ‘What was that, Count?’
The Count’s eyes gleamed, and he ……………… that they ………………
children …………
I immediately ……………… that ……………… wolves! But he did not
seem to take any notice of my remark. He simply ……………… something about
my being an Englishman and therefore my incapacity to understand what was
going on in Transylvania .What a strange man, I am telling you, Mina. It seems that the castle is a veritable
When he ……………… me to write to my firm and say I ……………… for a
month I realized I was his prisoner!
So I ……………… if he ……………… to stay so long. And he only
……………… that he …………… no for an answer!
I wonder if we, I mean you and I, my sweetest love, shall ever see each other again.
Ever your loving,

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

j'ai deja effectué le debut de l'exercice qui est en 2 étapes je n' arrive tout simplement pas la 2eme partie .
La première partie n'est pas essentiel pour réussir la 2eme.

Merci d'avance

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 4 janv. 2012
Bonjour Ichigofeu93,

When I arrived at his castle, the old man came to me and SAID in
excellent English, but with a strange intonation :

"Welcome to my home. He also TOLD that I COULD ENTER freely and leave some of the happiness I BRING HIM.

He explained that he had already had dinner. He mumbled....he had never drunk wine

I was so frightened that I yelled....and he confessed that they were children's shouts.... I immediately retorted that was howlings of wolves!....he simply added. When he told me..... that I would be absent for a month..... So I asked if he would let me alive so long..... said that he had no answer.

Have a nice day and Happy new year!

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