Publié le 24 sept. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 1 oct. 2013 dans 10A
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Sujet du devoir

Mission 1 (8 points) Comprehension Orale

You are going to hear the conversation Jonathan had with Count Dracula when he first arrived at the castle.

Listen to the recording on your CD and tick the boxes.

1- Why does Jonathan eat alone on the first night?
- There was no one there to welcome him.

-The servants had all gone to bed.

- Dracula was not hungry.

-Count Dracula had already eaten.

2- What was that noise Jonathan suddenly heard?
-the howling wind

-baying of distant dogs r footsteps approaching

-howling wolves

-thunder and lightning

3- Who does the portrait show?

-Dracula’s descendants (children)

-Dracula’s wife r Dracula’s ancestor

-Dracula’s King

4- Who was Vlad Tepes?

-One of Dracula’s ancestors

-One of Dracula’s victims

-Dracula’s wife

-One of Dracula’s enemies

5- When was Vlad Tepes born?

-in 1421 r in 1431

-in 1441 r in 1341

6- Why do you think Dracula starts to laugh when he talks about Vlad Tepes’s penchant for impalement?

-Because he shares Vlad Tepes’s taste for blood.

- Because he thinks Vlad Tepes was ridiculous.

- Because he wants to make Jonathan feel uncomfortable.

7- What about Jonathan makes Dracula feel so nervous and angry?

- Jonathan doesn’t believe in his stories about Vlad Tepes.

- Jonathan wears something that vampires hate.

- Jonathan is ignorant.

- Jonathan made fun of Dracula’s ancestor.

8- How long will Jonathan have to stay at Dracula’s castle?

-a month

- 2 months

- less than a month

-more than 2 months Listen to the dialogue one more time if necessary.

Mission 2 (32 points) Production écrite

Jonathan wrote Mina a letter to tell her about his first encounter with Count Dracula. Jonathan a écrit une lettre à Mina pour lui raconter sa rencontre avec le conte.

Unfortunately, the letter was damaged on its way to England and several words are now missing. Malheureusement sa lettre a été abimée et certains mots manquent.

Fill in the blanks in Jonathan’s letter with the information you got from what you heard (or from the transcript). Remember to number your answers in your copy. Trouve les mots qui manquent et surtout pense à numéroter tes réponses dans ta copie. Recopie toute la lettre sur ta copie. Tu peux réécouter le dialogue de la mission 1 pour t’aider. k Reading Séance 5 one more time could be very useful (direct and indirect speeches). k Try and use various introductory verbs, whenever you can.

Letter from Jonathan Harker to miss Mina Murray

5 May
My dearest Mina,

Forgive my long delay in writing, but I have been simply overwhelmed with work. I at last met with the Count today. Let me tell you about our first meeting, which was very peculiar indeed.

When I arrived at his castle, the old man came to me and ………………/1/ in excellent English, but with a strange intonation: ‘Welcome to my home’. He also ……………… /2/ that I ……………… /3/ freely and leave some of the happiness ……………… /4/

How strange! My dearest wish is to be happy for the rest of my life with you my sweetest darling.

Concerning dinner: He………………………………/5/ to eat and ………………/6/ Yet, he ……………… /7/ to excuse him for ……………… /8/

He ……………… /9/ that he ………………/10/ already ……………… /11/ dinner. He ………………/12/ something quite strange again concerning wine: He ………………/13/ never ………………/14/ wine.

And then he started to laugh in the most curious manner.

We were both silent for a while, and as I looked towards the window I saw the first dim streak of the coming dawn. There seemed a strange stillness over everything. But as I listened, I heard the howling of many wolves. I was so frightened that ……………… /15/: ‘What was that, Count?’

The Count’s eyes gleamed, and he ……………… /16/ that they ………………/17/ children …………/18/

I immediately ……………… /19/ that ………………/20/ wolves! But he did not seem to take any notice of my remark. He simply ………………/21/ something about my being an Englishman and therefore my incapacity to understand what was going on in Transylvania.

What a strange man, I am telling you, Mina. It seems that the castle is a veritable prison.

When he ………………/22/ me to write to my firm and say I ……………… /23/for a month I realized I was his prisoner!

So I ………………/24/ if he ………………/25/ to stay so long. And he only ………………/26/ that he ……………/27 no for an answer!

I wonder if we, I mean you and I, my sweetest love, shall ever see each other again.

Ever your loving,


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

voilas j'ai déjà fais la mission 1 je les juste mit en temps que complément d'informations ! merci d'avance pour votre aide ! (je suis super nul en anglais et faire se control est un vrai calvaire!)

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 sept. 2013
Mouais... enfin sans le CD (ou au moins le texte du CD), comment veux-tu qu'on t'aide?
Posté le 25 sept. 2013
On ne peut pas t'aider si nous n'avons pas le CD comme l'as dit notre ami soumisuk. :)

Ils ont besoin d'aide !

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